Jared Shenko

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Of course I was pregnant! It explained a lot; like why I haven't had to worry about money for Tampons this past two months.

Two months ago, I spent a night in a strip club, with a man, a stranger with had his way with me and paid me for it. I needed a huge amount of money for the treatment of my little sick niece. I was desperate; desperate enough to have sold my body to that one man, that one night.

It was just one time. One time that I didn't feel anything but voids upon voids of complete emptiness. One fucking time! But then sometimes, that's all it takes.

I had just lost a child! How was I getting another one? I wasn't even done grieving.


I already had my mind made up on getting rid of this pregnancy. I knew I could never be able to give this child, him or her what I would want them to have; or what they would deserve. Look at me, I was already a living disaster. I could barely hold me together. How could I bring forth another. I had no love to give, no care to give and no time to live.

"What are you thinking about Mara?" Issa's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "You can tell me my little Maralita,".

It had been forever since someone had called me that. Only my sister did. It resurged a melancholic feeling from within. With that other incomprehensible feelings.

"Please don't call me that Issa; and I have no intentions of keeping this baby. I'm getting rid of it."

My mind had been set on this goal already and I had no remorse, whatsoever.

"What?" I heard a voice came in from the door. I turned to see who it was.

And there he was!

It was him. And this time I knew it wasn't an illusion. Not just because I was glued to a bed and couldn't run away or get run over by a car. Maybe a meteorite will fall on the hospital and the illusion would disappear: again.

"You want to abort it? Why would you want to abort a child?" he asked in an almost whisper tone, he dropped a basket of fruits at the door. Adrenaline pumped through my veins at the sight of him. He really was here, and talking to me.

Before, I had been at lost of words, I couldn't control my emotions, but now, I could feel them; one of them at least. I was angry.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked. I tried to ignore his eyes that seemed to be stabbing my soul and digging my grave. He fell into a tantrum; panting up and down like the shirt he wore was chocking him. He  slightly released the tie on his neck,

"Issa could you excuse us please!" he said. His accent thickly british,

Issa sent me a sympathetic look, "Please don't be so stubborn," she whispered before exiting.

The air became so tensed, I could feel the strain in my breathing. It was harder for me to breath in his presence than it had been when I attempted to get out of the hospital bed.

"Why?" I suddenly asked to break down the silence, to relieve my lungs from the extreme tightness of trying to keep it all in. He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Why what?" he asked in a husky tone.

"Why do you care if I get rid of this thing or not." the word tasted bitter in my mouth. Calling my own child thing. But he needed to know I couldn't care less.

"Thing? Well, because it's my child too." he said in a pleading tone. "You think I don't remember you? Well I do. I haven't been able to forget since that night. It was wrong! What happened was very wrong but nonetheless,  I want my child to live. That child is mine too and I want to see him, I want to be with my child, I want to be its father; the best I possibly could and- I can not permit you to murder him."

I threw him a dirty glance that read 'Do I look like I care',

"Permit! What are you talking about permit? This isn't school or anything of the sorts. I don't need your fucking permission to do whatever I deem right for me. You want to give permissions? Fine! If you can carry it for seven more months, then good, you can take it, keep it, do whatever the fuck you want with it; but as long as I am the one to carry it, you don't get to say shit in what I want to do with it."

"But I am the father and-" he dropped on the bed side and grabbed my hands into his gently, "I am begging you not to do this. Please don't think of..." he  was going to say something touching but was interrupted by the nurse who popper in.

"Mr. Shenko, Dr. Seuss would like to see you please."

Shenko? I knew that name from somewhere.

His head dropped to the floor.

Immediately the nurse left, he turned to me again, his eyes stared pleadingly, like a lost puppy,

"I am desperate for this right now,  so please, think it through. I'll be right back." he followed the nurse, his eyes were dark and looking hopeful. But while in my familiar solitary state, I couldn't get my mind off that name. His name. It was too unique to be something you hear every day. It was distinct; held a sense of power to it.

Of course! Jared Shenko!

I was very certain I had heard about it somewhere. He was only one of the wealthiest business gurus in history. He had been written down as being a young boy who had striven so hard from being a nobody to being CEO of a multimillion distribution company. He had also engaged himself in different businesses, making uncountable profits, till he became the wealthiest business tycoon in the city and the entire state. I only knew all this because I wrote a fucking paper about people like him when I still in school. I even had the opportunity to interview him and some others for like five minutes during an event. Then, I felt like Anastasia in a Fifty Shades fantasy land; excerpt my Christian was very married and about ten years older than I was. I had idolized him. His growth from being an underdog to being a multimillionaire had inspired me daily; I mean when I still had dreams. Now, I was just a miserable salmonella in despair.

And then he showed up in my life and got me pregnant.

Talk about Fifty Shades Gone Wrong!!!

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