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What if you don't identify as an animal but still don't feel human? Could you be an otherkin? Now what is an otherkin? Like therians, otherkins identify as something non-human. However, instead of animals, they identify as mythical creatures instead.

You might think it's strange, but to them it's not. It's what they identify as, and it's who they are. Some examples of otherkin are dragons, unicorns, and mermaids. Some could also identify as a werewolf or even a vampire. I've had a friend who was a hybrid of both a werewolf and vampire.

Otherkin are wildly mistreated just like therians. It's something that not a lot of people understand and it can be difficult for them to process it. If anyone tells you that they're an otherkin, please respect their decision and don't be rude.

Not Completely Human: A Therian GuideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin