Chapter 1: Sad beginning

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(I do not own this book as said in the description I just wanted to read the book on Wattpad. I recommend looking at the original author she/he are on FanFiction their name is Dolphinheart99 they make really awesome books about val the little girl so I highly recommend checking out her page.)

So to explain the character, she is a four in a half year old Italian/American/Alien (Galatria) little girl with sapphire blue eyes and dark brown hair. She is sweet and cute and polite yet shy and curious. She can communicate with animals and has unstoppable powers. She is protected by secret organizations. All the animals around her loves her even the most dangerous ones.  


In a dark cold December night there was little four in half American/Italian girl was coloring on a piece of paper in the carpet near the fire. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes, slightly tan skin; wearing pink nightgown and a silver whistle attached to her neck. Her name was Valentina Rosalina Grady and she was waiting for her parents to come from work. This is no ordinary little girl. She is different from the rest of the kids in her street. She has unbelievable powers. Ever since she was born, strange things happen. Animals from shape and sizes would come near her and tried to make her smile or laugh. And when she was in the backyard, flowers and plants would grow. It was really strange but her parents accepted her gift but they must keep it a secret. So her parents decided to keep her homeschooled so the kids in her school won't be scared at her.

Speaking of her parents, they are really good people. Her dad is name Oscar Grady. He has light brown hair and adventurous blue eyes. He used to be a Navy but he retired to become a collage history teacher. He loves to teach others to learn but during his free time. He would play with his baby girl and make her smile while teaching her how to do combat to control her powers even though she's small she's a fast learner. She smart for a little girl but her curiosity gets the better of her and would get into a little trouble. Her mom is name Alma. She is beautiful Italian woman. She has dark brown hair and warm brown eyes. She is a doctor and is very kind to her patients. Every man wanted to marry her but she chooses Oscar because he was very funny and smart man. Valentina loves her parents with all her heart and soul and would stay by their side no matter what except when she has to go to the bathroom.

Then a teenage girl with blond hair and chocolate brown eyes; wearing a red sweater, brown pants and cowboy boots, about age of eighteen, came out from the kitchen. "Val, it's almost past yer bed time." She said in a sweet western accent.

Val looks at her almost pleadingly, "Awww... but Abby, can I stay up fow five mowe minutes? Mommy and Daddy pwomise to wead me a bed time stowy."

The girl name Abby smiles at her, "Alright but remember yer ma and pa ain't gonna like it to see their little baby girl still awake and energetic."

Val smiles brightly, "Thanks Abby! You'we the best babysittew evew!"

Abby's real name is Abigail Starious; she lives down the block with her big brother, Joshua or Josh, close to Valentina's. She and her brother moved from their family ranch to study in the big city to be doctors. Abby works as a full time babysitter for Valentina also a waitress in a cafe and her brother Joshua work as a mechanic, for cars. They know about Valentina's power and would keep it a secret because they took a liking to her.

"Ah shucks, yer making me blush." Abby smiled then she notices Valentina's drawing, "Watcha drawing there Val?"

Val shows Abby a red long neck animal with a crocked drawing of a tree. "It's a Ba-wo-sau-wus." She said trying to say the name correctly. Its correct name is Barosaurus.

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