Chapter 23

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Avery Adley

I woke up to streams of light hitting my face.
I groaned and tried to bury myself under the blanket.
It was swiftly ripped away.

I turned to see Alissa standing there with her hands on her hips and a frown adorned her face.

"What is it Alissa?" I groaned.

"You have to get ready for your date of course! You can't just sleep all day!"

I looked at the clock and saw it was 2pm.

"It won't take 5 hours to get ready." I said. "Wait! How did you find out about tonight?" I frowned.

"I have my sources." She shrugged. "Now get up!"

She pulled me to the closet. I heard a gasp. Alissa touched the green material that once was a beautiful dress.

"I'm sorry, Alissa." I said quietly. I was ashamed of myself.

"What happened?" I could see the glistening of tears in her eyes. It broke my heart.

"Leah..." I choked out.

Alissa pulled me into a hug that I greatfully received.

"I really loved that dress." I said, slightly muffled by her should.

Alissa laughed and pulled me back. "Me too, chérie."

I was practically tossed back out of the closet and into the shower with instructions to clean up.

I dressed in shorts and a t-shirt before heading back out to find Alissa pulling random pieces of clothing off of the rack.

"You really need some new clothes." She stated with a frown. "You've only really got work clothes and a pair or two of jeans." 

"That's all I wear, Alissa."

"Well, go and have lunch. I'll be done by the time your back." She smiled at me.

I frowned but did what she asked anyway. She's as stubborn as ever.

I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients for a ham and cheese sandwich.
As soon as the bread landed on the chopping board Gerard rushed in and pushed me out.
He never let me cook, but what could go wrong with a sandwich?

He smiled proudly once he was all done and plated it for me.
I thanked him and he began cleaning the kitchen.

"Do you really need to eat that?" Mothers said as she walked in behind me.

I sighed, but kept eating anyway.

"Why don't you decline Oliver? Let Leah marry him." She said like it was the simplest thing.

"Mother, I didn't choose this. He chose me because he didn't want Leah. If I decline we're risking millions of dollars that we would have made in profit." I put my plate in the dishwasher. "I'm sorry. I can't do anything."

Her face held anger and pure irritation. I walked out without waiting for her answer.

I bet she thought I seduced him and Mr. Adley told her as little as possible. As usual when it came to business.

I climbed the stairs to meet Alissa.
I walked in to a mess of clothes and a content looking Alissa.

"You were gone too long!" She exclaimed. "Now, sit! Sit!" She patted the back of my desk chair.

I sighed and walked over to it. It was like a repeat of last night. She'll spend forever doing my make up.

"Alissa, please don't do anything fancy." I pleaded.

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