i hunt down the government's mistakes part 2

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I'm back, and in one piece this time. Before I talk about more of my targets, I'm going to address a few concerns from my last post.

A lot of you were concerned with my bite I suffered from Ghoul. As far I know I haven't contracted anything. I was told whatever they did to him shouldn't be contagious, but I made them run tests regardless, all of which came up negative. They did give me some special pills, but I was told these were to help speed up the recovery of my shoulder. It wouldn't surprise me if they were hiding something from me. I just hope that if I do start craving human flesh, I would still have enough mental fortitude to pull the trigger one last time.

Another thing I wanted to address is who I work for. I only ever referred to my boss as the government, and that is simply because I have no clue what branch this is. It's possible this isn't the government at all, but I doubt that, it's far too ingrained to not be. It could be the CIA, but I'm not certain. The only questions I ask are the ones that will hopefully keep me alive longer.

Now, let's talk about a few more of my assignments.

After my month long break/recovery from Ghoul, I was given an easier assignment to ease my way back in to things. Codename: Romeo.

Romeo was made to be a charmer, and that he was. He was a true Adonis in every sense of the word, Romeo makes the statue of David look ugly in comparison. From what I can tell he was designed to charm women, foreign diplomats probably, but instead he charms anyone and everyone. Which is how he was able to charm his way out of his holding cell. Romeo isn't really a danger to anyone though, except perhaps himself should he find himself at the hands of an angry spouse, but I'm sure he could get himself out of that one too.

Finding Romeo was easy, but the hard part would be extracting him. He was always surrounded by a crowd, almost like a cult. If there was a high class party, Romeo would be there, and he would never return to his room with less than 10 people following him. I would need a good plan to separate him from his entourage.

I decided to attend one of his parties, just so I could get a better scope on the situation. It was crucial that I find any openings he might have. What I didn't expect though was for Romeo to approach me.

"Good evening Monsieur, I do not believe we have met before, I am Romeo, and you?"

Monsieur, was that French? I think I almost threw up in my mouth a bit. I guess I should have expected this though, he has quite the ego after all. It was good to see his charm wasn't working on me though, I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it may have something to do with my disgust at just how perfect he is.

"Oh I'm, uh, James. I'm kinda new here, nice to meet you Romeo." I managed to respond.

"James, what a fabulous name, but alone at a party? Unacceptable, come with me, my friends and I are about to return to my estate, I will show you the finer parts of this city."

Is that a sexual reference? Regardless, this was going much better than expected, I was making direct contact with my target. If I went to his home, perhaps I could just wait until everyone else fell asleep, and sneak away with Romeo before anyone knew better.

"I don't know, we just met, I wouldn't want to impose on you like that." I said, trying to play hard to get.

"No I insist, you must. Samantha, go with my friend James here and guide him to my home. I will be there shortly, there is someone I must see first." Romeo replied while motioning to one of the women from his group.

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