Phase 7: Turning Point, part 1

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The New European Council agreed on a series of countermeasures against the current threat of Castaway terrorism. First of all, we need to get rid of the main threat, i.e. the terrorist group led by a Castaway known as "Nightingale". To do so, we agreed to launch a nuclear strike on the city of Bifröst which Nightingale currently uses as her organization's headquarters. We also plan to assign the police and army forces which are supposed to minimize the casualties of possible retribution of Nightingale's allies.

After we solve this problem, we will proceed to ratify a series of laws which would prevent such situations in the future. These laws include restricting Castaway voting laws, increasing the supervision over Castaways, disbanding the so-called Warden society, outlawing Healthy-Castaway marriages, controlling Castaway natality and, ultimately, outlawing the import of Castaways from the Dead Zone to Europe. We plan to stop the Castaway import completely by the year 155 a.I.

· The program "Saving Europe" written by Tomáš Zeman, abridged

· The program "Saving Europe" written by Tomáš Zeman, abridged

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"Take... him... AWAY!" I scream.

Each of the Wardens grabs Isaiah's arm, preventing him to advance further. His clenched fists give away he would love to shove them away and continue, but he doesn't. Such an amount of self-control is unusual for him. For a second, we stare at each other, saying nothing.

What's the meaning of this? Last time we saw each other, he was on Nightingale's side, attempting to kill me. Why is he here now?

"Should we take him back?" Anastasia asks me.

"NO!" Isaiah hollers. "Zoya! Do you know what did I go through to get to you? And now, you're just sending me away like this? You can't do this! You have to hear me out at least!"

"There's nothing I have to do!" I retort. I gather my courage and make two steps towards him. "Don't you understand? I gave up on you. You joined the enemy and tried to kill me. Why should I listen to you? We are enemies now. Now go away before I grab my own shock rifle and stop that fake heart of yours."

"Zoya, please..."

I look him in the eye. I hate to admit that, but no matter how hard I try, I can't see that spark of insanity in his gaze. There's no aggression or desire to kill. Maybe something changed inside him. Or maybe it's some kind of trap. But there is a three-member Warden squad to protect me...

Maybe I should give him a chance.

"What do you want?" I bark at him.

"I just came to give you something," Isaiah explains. "Something that speaks more than words. Maybe... after you see it... you'll be willing to talk to me."

I doubt it, but I nod at the Wardens. "Let him go." They release the man who makes another step towards me. I get ready for combat, in case he would try and charge at me. His bionic arm is tightening the fabric on the hoodie's sleeve. However, I see no trace of aggression in his movements.

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