Halal things My friends do [tagged]

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I was tagged by jimintae95 and Yumeha_rmy  love you both❤❤❤❤❤❤

Let's start.

Let's start

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1.Your current lock screen.

[Ming choco aka mingyu, sorry for the weird name from which I call him

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[Ming choco aka mingyu, sorry for the weird name from which I call him.]

2. Current home screen.

 Current home screen

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[Sleeping meowngi.]

3. Current ringtone.

There is only of the sound beep. 😂😂😂😂 If I had a mobile I will set Spring day and Don't wanna cry mashup as ringtone the mashup is dope.

4. Current battery percentage.


5. Current anime watching.

Unfortunately, none 

6. A device used to go on wattpad.

One and only my poor plus lovely Samsung laptop.😂😂😂

7.Things you regret doing.

To become a friend with a person who never considered me as a friend.

8. Zodiac sign.

Virgo. Fun fact my and Jungkook birthday are on the same date and month. 😂😂😂

9. Object obsession.

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