Chapter Two

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That night, Kengkla could sleep. He sat up and look out the window and saw the crescent moon outside.

He remembered the days he spent with Techno staying up at night just to look up at the night sky.

The memory made him had a wide smile and a tear started to came fallen down and more came down. He realized he was crying.

He wiped the tears and laid in bed thinking of their happy memories together.

The day he confessed was the most memorable

Kengkla made his friends set up a party at a roof of the university rooftop and he waited for Techno to arrived by midnight, as planned.

Then the confession comes after they ate

"P, be my boyfriend na krap. I promise I will be a good and faithful younger boyfriend to you"

Techno was speechless and then finally the older smiled and nodded

"So silly. Could just ask me without all these"  Techno said and Kengkla smiled

"Well it is a special occasion for us so I could get as much help as I could get" Kengkla explained "and I'm glad they helped"

Their days spent together were unique.

Kengkla would wait for Techno to finish with practice and they would have dinner at a street food stall eating noodles, porridge, rice meal or hot pot and often sushi.

Kengkla was captivates by Techno's reaction with the food and it made him for the older over and over again.

They even spent their anniversaries and birthdays together which was envied by the whole university and soon was taken pictures by some of the students and put on social media which caught his por's attention.

It was a battle soon after but then Kengkla decided to end it.

The thought brought him back to the reality.

"It's over. It's really over" Kengkla thought and soon days gone by he and Techno's lives were the same, except for their own presence in each others lives.

Everyone in the university tried to get a reason with the breakup but they avoided the topic until a year later and Techno was about to graduate

Type, who was in the same class as Techno ask Kengkla

"Can I date Techno ai'Kla?" Type ask and he didn't expect Kengkla's answer which surprised him as well as the promise

"Promise me P' take care of P'No. And don't make the same mistake that I did" Kengkla said and Type just nodded with a serious expression

"P promise" Type said and he saw the from the corner of his eyes regret but he knew the situation and couldn't say a word

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"P promise" Type said and he saw the from the corner of his eyes regret but he knew the situation and couldn't say a word.

Who knew it will hurt even more very soon. What will happen? Stay tuned.

AN:Hi. So I'm back with another chapter. After a stressful day I wanted to express my feeling with the feeling of sadness, regret. I hope my readers like it. Well bye for now

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