Reality Setting In

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The next morning they had agreed to meet out by the fence near the shrieking shack. Hermione was there first, exactly ten minutes before eleven. She may have been early but she was so keen to see him. She loved how special he made her feel. She loved the way he smiled when she put her hand in his. She never did see him smile before everything happened. He always had that same pained expression of a man trapped. His sharp features somehow becoming softer and his pale face gaining colour with every day. Her cheeks flushed and she smiled to herself thinking that she could be the reason.

She heard footsteps crunching in the snow and turned to see him walking towards her, his hands in his pockets and a small smile on his face that said ‘I miss you’. He took two quick steps and wrapped his arms around her, spinning her in his arms. When their worlds stopped spinning he pressed his lips against hers and she felt the world slip away.

She was so very happy.

“I missed you.” He whispered, his breath caressing her cheeks.

“I know, but people are coming back to school now.” She sighed.

He brushed her cheek with his thumb and looked into her eyes. “We always have the Room of Requirement, we could use it as a place to be together, and we might not get to see each other any other time.” She could tell that it made him sad to think that they might hardly see one another when classes resume.

“Well, I can’t fall behind.” She saw the pain in his eyes and sped up her train of thought, “but maybe if we use the room three nights a week I could get my studies done and still be with you.”

“Of course, whenever you like, how will I know when we’re going to meet?”

“I’ll send a note; I’ll enchant it so that no one but you can open it.”

“In that case will you write things that you wouldn’t want to say to anyone else?” He raised an eyebrow and kissed her cheek.

“No, I will tell you what time to meet me and nothing else, in case someone does get into it.”

“So nothing along the lines of you’re such a handsome and charming young man?” he gave a little smirk, she was learning to love that smirk.

She gave a small laugh. “No.”

“Keep laughing, I love it when you laugh.” She couldn’t help but giggle and blush when he said things like that to her.

“I uh, I think I should tell you that Harry and Ronald get back tomorrow…” She felt his arms tighten around her.


“I won’t be able to see you.”

“I see.” His jaw clenched and she felt her heartbeat get faster.

“I’m sorry! They are my friends, I’ve missed them.” He let go of her and put his hands back in his pockets. “Draco I-”

“No, I get it. You need to see Potter and Weasley.” The way he spat Ron’s name made her think for a moment.

Maybe this was all just a form of jealousy.

“Just to catch up, it’s been over two weeks.”

“I suppose you just can't wait to see them.”

She ignored his temper and tried to move past the rut in the conversation. “I have missed them, but I thought we could-”

“It’s fine, Pansy should be arriving any day now so maybe I’ll just go and welcome her back.” He gave her another smirk, but this one was different.

This one was cold and cruel; this one was meant to hurt her.

“Draco… they’re my friends, you know that I don’t feel the way about them that I feel about you.”

He was breathing heavily now, clearly anxious and what was probably more self-doubt than anything else. A history of self-pity and hatred will do that to someone.

Draco couldn’t understand, he didn’t want to feel this way or snap at her like this, but he felt like something was constricting his throat, like someone was whispering into his ear that she didn’t want to be with him and that she just needed to get rid of him, quickly.

“Embarrassed of me are you?” He said spitefully.

He barely even realised that he was speaking, it was an instant reaction for him to defend himself now.

“Of course not! You know how they would react and I don’t want to cause a big fuss! And weren’t you the one who couldn’t have any of the Slytherins know about us?” She was getting riled now.

“Us? This isn’t anything, this is nothing.” He said it so flatly and devoid of emotion that she was taken aback.


He turned away from her and started stomping back through the snow to the castle, already knowing that he had made a big mistake.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora