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Being best friends with Tommy Lee had its ups and downs

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Being best friends with Tommy Lee had its ups and downs. Not knowing where he was at half the time, wasn't necessarily the best thing in the world. She loved Tommy, though, and she has always stuck with him. One good thing about being best friends with him, was something simple, but to her it meant everything. Nikki Sixx.

That day, she was sitting around at the studio. Tommy had brought her along to watch his band record some songs and to hang out. None of them seemed to mind when she would sing along. They thought it was cute.

In fact, they all had taken a liking to Tommy's young friend. But, some people just didn't want to admit it.

Nikki watched her as she played with a random string on her shirt. Deep down inside he knew his feelings for her were there, he just didn't want to believe it. He knew that the girl was special. He knew she wasn't like any other girl he's ever met in his life. She didn't want to use him for sex and leave, she wanted much more than that. All Nikki wanted was to be happy. But, he didn't know how he could be. He thought it was impossible.

Nikki felt this strange feeling in the pit of his stomach when he'd be around her. He even asked Tommy why he was feeling this way, because he had never felt it before. Tommy replied with, "You have a crush on her, dude!"

Nikki couldn't stand the thoughts of hurting such a sweet girl. In his mind, he felt like he'd end up hurting her. He always had in the past to other girls, he didn't really mean to, he just never felt anything for them. The way this girl makes him feel is different, but, he would never admit it. At least not to himself, the other guys could clearly tell. He was trying so hard to push away his feelings.

She was clueless, however. She had no idea what she was doing to Nikki. But, did he know what he was doing to her?

She's never felt this much for a person. Sure, she's had crushes before, but never in a million years had she felt as if she was in love.

The girl was lost in her own little world, twirling the piece of string around her finger. And Nikki kept watching her. Nikki found himself smiling. The thoughts in his head were simple. She looked adorable.

Nikki knew he could be happy with this girl if he really tried. He really wanted to be, too. He didn't like just screwing around with groupies. He wanted to know he was loved, he wanted to be kissed with passion, not just lust.

He was in love, and he knew it.

He sat upright in his chair, not taking his eyes off of her. He hears laughter, knowing that the guys were coming back into the room. He was alone with her, and he liked it. It was peaceful. Not that he didn't like having fun with his bandmates, he liked the peace and quiet. And it gave him a lot of time to think. It gave him time to realize something, as well.

Vince busted through the door first, followed by Mick, and lastly Tommy. Their friend jumped a little, putting her hand over her heart. It had startled her.

The blonde one of the group, Vince, began to laugh. "Sorry, sugar." He ruffled her hair. She jerked her head away from him and shot him a glare, running her fingers through her hair.

"Why are you bein' so quiet, man?" Tommy pulled Nikki out of his thoughts, and the bassist quickly looked up at his friend. He sighed heavily and shrugged, motioning towards her. "I love her, man. I'm absolutely in love with Mia." Nikki finally said it. Words foreign to his tongue, but he finally had said it.

Tommy smiled, and raised his eyebrows. "You finally admitted it, good for you, Nik." He lightly patted Nikki's shoulder, and Nikki smiled slightly.

He looked back over at Mia, as Vince was talking to her. He felt some jealousy running through him. Does she like him? Nikki wondered. This worried him. He knew how Vince was. He'd use her. He was afraid that he'd hurt Mia, and he wasn't about to let it happen.

Nikki stood up, and quickly made his way to the singer, and the girl he was utterly in love with.

Mia looked up at Nikki and felt her heart skip beats. She bit down on her lip and nervously smiled at him, then glanced down.

"What's up?" Vince looked at Nikki and grinned, taking his attention away from Mia.

"Nothin', just wondering if we were done recording today?" Nikki bit his lip, raising a brow. He was thinking of a way to get Mia alone.

"Oh, yeah, we're done." Vince nods, he wasn't really thinking much of it.

Vince grew bored with just standing there, so he walked over to talk with Mick and Tommy.

Nikki looked down on Mia nervously and bit his lip, smiling slightly. "Hey."

"Hey," She replied, looking up at him.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Nikki holds out his hand.

She swallows hard, feeling her heart pounding, but she took his hand. His fingers were calloused from his bass, and the two hands fit together perfectly.

He pulled her outside, the LA Sun beating down on them, making them slightly squint their eyes.

They began to just walk along the sidewalk of the street, mostly in silence. But neither side seemed to care, they liked being with each other, that was for sure.

Nikki wanted to tell her how he felt. Now that he was being honest with himself, it's all he could think about.

Nikki Sixx normally isn't shy, but when it came to this girl, he was more than shy.

"Uh..Mia?" Nikki asked softly as the two took a break from walking, sitting down to rest on a bench. Nikki still held her hand.

"Mhm?" She looked at him.

"I just..wanted you to know that, I..I really like you." He breathes in quickly, hearing him say it to her was as nerve wracking than before going out on stage.

Her heart fluttered. A smile spread out across her face and she blushed terribly, looking at him.

Nikki decided it was now or never. He had to tell her. She needed to know just how much he liked her. "Scratch that," He began, "I-I love you, Mia."

She blushed even more. She's wanted to hear those words for the longest time, and now she finally was. "I love you, too." She finally spoke.

Nikki raised his eyebrows. "Y-You do?" He had no idea she felt the same way. He thought it was just a case of unrequited love.

She nods her head and smiles, leaning up and pressing a kiss to Nikki's heated cheek.

Today, they both got lucky.

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