Chapter 15

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A sporadic signal came to still another area. As efficient and obedient as ever, the Legion released the Swarm to their deadly task.


Mora left early in the morning to more closely inspect the latest blight along the east coast, while I stayed behind to scrutinize the satellite data, hoping to define the timing and make sense of it — anything to help us find an answer.

First, I examined solar events, radiation data, weather patterns, and whatever else I could think of. But nothing correlated, and I was no closer to a solution.

I met up with Samir for lunch, hoping he found something.

"Nothing." Samir said, shaking his head. "No sign of any known pathogen. No toxin. No sign of ionizing radiation, no thermal event. We still have more tests to do, though. What have you found?"

"Nothing definitive," I answered, putting a spoon down. "The blights started just after the Ark Hope arrived. Can't say that was a cause — correlation does not necessarily mean causation. And too many other things happened around the same time, so it could be completely random. Still worth looking into it, though." I paused in thought. "Something else bothers me. Based on the images, the first blight took several days to kill a small patch. Each time, though, it seemed to get better at killing, more efficient. With the most recent incident, it took less than a day to wipe out over a hundred square kilometers. It is as if the blight is learning by experience."

Samir wrinkled his forehead. "An intelligence? That would be particularly disturbing."

I shook my head. "We need more information."

I made no further progress that afternoon as my mind dulled, so I took a walk around the city on what otherwise was a pleasant afternoon, allowing my mind wander as I ambled about.

Being with Mora has been wonderful. I had fallen hard for her, and I think she had for me. Although, I can be clueless about such concepts.

But there were some things I did not understand about her. Like, why were her feet so cold at night? Why did she act so serious all the time? How could one person generate so much loose dark hair?

And why would she choose me?

Once we figured out this blight, I would look into these questions.

As I continued to walk past a row of storage buildings toward a public recreation area. Deep in thought, I almost ran headlong into another walker, who seemed equally distracted.

"Oh, sorry Liz."

"Gan? So are you looking for answers, too?"

I nodded. "I was hoping some inspiration would find me."

Liz let out a sigh. "Well, if you get some, share it with me. I am at a loss what to say to the public about this blight without making the situation worse. People are getting anxious and I don't blame them. Walk with me."

We continued our walk, mostly silent in our own thoughts, but sometimes making random comments. The recreation area, unofficially named Paradise Park, nearly lived up to its name, featuring open green fields between sprawling tree groves, a round amphitheater within a natural hollow designed for concerts and events, picnic pavilions, and pleasant walking paths that followed a winding clear river, eventually connecting all parts of the town. It was a popular place to gather. But up ahead, someone wearing dark athletic shorts and t-shirt laid lines of white tape against a smooth, high wall beside the amphitheater..

"Eric!" I called out.

He turned and grinned. "Gan! Heard you've shaken things up a bit."

I shook my head, then said, "What are you up to?"

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