5: Your Actions Have Consequences

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5: Your Actions Have Consequences

I immediately notice that Jake is in English before I am. I stomp my way over there and slam my hands down on the table in front of him, effectively gaining his attention. He looks up and smiles at me. "Well hey there, cutie." I narrow my eyes at him and he chuckles. "What's up with you," he questions. I put my backpack by my chair and sit down.

Turning to him, I state, "No thanks to you, my parents are now aware I 'have a boyfriend.'" I frown as he laughs and manages to get out a "you're welcome." Smiling to myself, I start getting out what I need for class. "That's why you're coming to dinner Saturday evening."

He chokes on what was his laugh. "What?!"

I look at him. "Hey. You brought this onto yourself." The bell rings and Mrs Kelley begins with her lesson. I keep myself occupied and try my hardest to ignore Jake's attempts to talk to me.


As I'm doing my homework, I get an idea. I feel evil. I get Jake's phone number from the paper he wrote it on and put it in my phone. I send him a quick text: "Don't forget. Saturday at 6 PM sharp. Don't be late. Dress nice. ~Emaline"

I get a response not even five minutes later: "Whatever you say, cutie :)" I roll my eyes, not even bothering to respond. I finish my homework before heading downstairs for dinner. It isn't until Maria tells me that I find out that my parents have gone out to dinner without me. I grab my dinner, thank her, and head back up to my room. I guess you could say I'm used to being alone. I don't mind it. I change into comfy shorts and a tank top and pull my hair up into a ponytail then grab my laptop. Sitting on my bed, I turn on Ridiculousness and get on Facebook.

As I'm talking to Brooklynn, I notice that I get a new message. It's from Jake. What does he want? I just talked to him a little bit ago.

"Hey :)" Again with the smiley faces.

"Umm hi," I respond. "Did you need something?"

"Nope. Is it wrong to just want to chat, cutie?" I roll my eyes.

"Well, no. But why?"

"Just cause I can. And I'm bored :P"

"Good for you, I guess."

"Hey, are you doing anything right now?" I look up at my TV, debating whether I want to tell him I'm busy and keep watching people act stupid or tell him I'm not and risk it. Hmm.

"Maybe, maybe not." Go for the noncommittal answer, Emmy! Good job!

"We should hang out :)"

"I don't really feel like leaving my house at the moment." Excuses, excuses.

"Alright. I'll be over in 5 :)" That's not what I meant! I go to protest but I see that he's already logged off. A sigh of annoyance escapes me. Great. Just great.

I walk downstairs and am taking care of my dishes when the doorbell rings. Fudge. After putting my dishes in the dishwasher, I head towards the front door and almost bump into Maria. Casually, I ask, "Who was at the door?"

She smiles at me. "That boyfriend of yours. I just sent him upstairs." I smile and thank her, even though I'm crying on the inside.

I quickly head upstairs and find Jake looking at all my pictures on my dresser. Leaning against the doorframe, I watch him with amusement for a moment. "You know, it's rude to go through a girl's things," I say. I can tell I startled him because he quickly moves away like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

He looks over at me and smiles. I suddenly see his smile falter. I look down at myself and see my outfit. I roll my eyes. "Anyways," I say to get his attention. "Why did you want to come over?"

He smiles again. "What, I can't hang out with my girlfriend?"

I roll my eyes again. "But we're not even dating."

"According to your parents, we are."

"Yeah, no thanks to you." I walk over and sit down on my bed. Jake sits next to me, and a little too close to my liking. But at least he's giving me space. I turn Ridiculousness back on and we start to watch it.

After an episode, I hear a knock at my door. Immediately, Jake pulls me close to him, grabs my legs and puts them across his, and wraps his arms around me. Shocked, I think to myself, what is he doing? He pulls my head to rest on his shoulder just a moment before Maria opens the door. She smiles, probably thinking how cute it is to see us cuddled together. Great. She brings in a plate of cookies for us then leaves, smiling again. Jake smiles and smiles before saying, "I should come over more often."

"Um, no." I shake my head.

"Yep." After a little while longer of being curled up next to Jake, he says he needs to go. I walk him to the door and he kisses my forehead before he gets in his car and drives off.

I hate him. Yet, I can't stop myself from falling for him.

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