Chapter Two

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Yoongi shuffled sleepily from his room, rubbing a bit at his swollen eyes. He'd only managed to get about three hours of sleep, having stayed up to ask around about the people that had Jungkook. Not much seemed to be known about them except that they were the bad kind of bad. The kind that didn't much care about who got killed on their way to get what they want. Yoongi could be vicious himself, had to be to get where he was, but even he knew not to cross certain lines. He was a bad man, but not evil. And some of the stories he'd been told bordered on insane. He would not feel bad taking these guys out.

The door to Seokjin's room was slightly ajar, so he peeked in, snorting at the excessively loud snoring coming from the man. He was nowhere near Namjoon's level, who could be heard from all the way downstairs if he left his door open, but it wasn't gentle rumbling either. Yoongi knew the man would deny that he snored even if presented with video evidence, so he simply kept the knowledge to himself. He kinda liked knowing something so intimate about him that he hadn't known before.

That was the other thing that had kept Yoongi from getting much sleep. He wasn't stupid or completely oblivious. He knew that Seokjin was attractive. It was something he'd always been aware of, same as he was aware that grass is green and fire is hot. It was just a fact. He also respected and admired him. He claimed he was his enemy purely for the fact that they were rivals; big time bosses living in the same town were destined to be. He'd fuck around with Seokjin's jobs and he would return the favor. But they'd never acted against each other in bad blood. In fact, Yoongi felt honored that Seokjin would come to him in his hour of need. That didn't explain his current feelings, however.

He'd spent most of the early morning hours with sharp pains in his chest anytime he pictured the way Seokjin had appeared near death on his porch. The thought that the ridiculous fool who didn't act like a gang leader ninety percent of the time, instead choosing to send his rival birthday presents and Christmas cookies, could have been gone so easily didn't sit well with him at all. In fact, it felt like one of his own had been attacked, but more.

Yoongi highly suspected it had something to do with his sudden desire to kiss the other awake.

He inhaled sharply and promptly turned away from the room, choosing instead to go to the kitchen. Seokjin would probably need another pill when he woke up, so Yoongi put together some porridge for him, along with some bread and fruit. For himself, he just scarfed down a croissant and a couple cups of coffee while he was cooking. Standard fare, to be honest.

He lugged the heavy tray back up the stairs and entered Seokjin's room. The snoring was gone although the man's eyes were stilled closed. He appeared near enough to waking up himself that Yoongi didn't feel too bad.

"Rise and wipe up your drool. Brought you some breakfast."

Seokjin's moans as he slowly rose to a sitting position did nothing to Yoongi's nether regions that anyone could prove.

Yoongi cleared his throat as he willed his thoughts out of the gutter and set the tray across the other's lap. He shook a pill out of the bottle on the nightstand and pushed that over, along with a glass of water that the other silently accepted.

Seokjin's hair was all over the place, which brought Yoongi no little amount of joy. The man was notoriously obsessed with his appearance, and to be able to see him like this was quite a treat. He was sure that he didn't look much better, but he also didn't really care. Sleep did wonders for Seokjin's lips, however, plumping them up even more than Yoongi had thought possible. He wondered if they were as soft as they looked.


"Thank you, Yoongi. Had I known I would get treated like a Queen, I would have come here every time I got hurt."

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