Chapter 1 How It all Began

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~This scene is retailing from her childhood to now. It will also show the info I gathered for Misaki in the present and future episodes before/after she becomes Tsubaki's Eve. The picture that you see here is what she looks like now as a teenager.~

Misaki's Pov;

My name is Misaki Bokuro; fifteen years of age, with silver yet grayish waist-length hair and silver eyes. And that I possess the birthmark of a crescent with stars on the front side of my left shoulder.

I don't know much about myself or my family, other then the fact of who my parents are and how'd they died with me being an only child. At the young age of a little girl, the three of us were once walking on the split cross-walk where it was also raining. My parents were walking by both my sides hand in hand with umbrellas held onto their other hands shielding us from getting wet, where we saw a young mother and her son who looked to be the same age as me holding hands about to cross our path. Right where we were going to be on the opposite side of each other, it happened.

I can't remember much of after that, but all I could recollect where the sound of a truck, flashing bright lights and screaming. So much screaming that my head felt like it would split into two if the rest of my body didn't hurt worse from whatever it was that made me unable to get up and move to see what's going on.

After finally waking up, I saw that I was in a hospital bed with my mother beside me also waking up with her arm in a cast just like my head was wrapped in bandages seeing it from my reflection in the window on the other side of the room from me that leads to outside.

"Momma?" I had weakly said in a scratchy voice hoping she heard me, and she did.

"Sweetie?!" she said in a surprised voice, but before we could say anything further a female doctor and nurse came into the room with a look of surprise?

"Thank god you're both awake! I'm Doctor Kitami, and this is Nurse Izayowa. We've been in charge of you and your daughter since the incident Mrs. Bokuro."

"Incident?" said both my mother and I in utter surprise where I was wondering what happened to us along with wondering where my father was.

"Yes incident. As much as I don't like to discuss this type of conflict events, especially in front of children its best that you'll need one another for comfort in the news I'm about to give you. But first, I'm going to ask you both a question; what was the last thing that you can remember? Mrs. Bokuro, you go first please."

"All I remember is that my husband and I were going home with Misaki from a restaurant. It was raining, but we made sure to be careful. We were then on the crossed walk section when I heard honking and saw bright lights, but then nothing else happened after that. I guess I blackout. Please, tell me what happened. Where's my husband?"

"I will in do time, but first Misaki, can you tell me what you remember?"

"Not much. Just us walking through the crossed walk like momma said when I saw a little boy and his mom walking towards the way we came. Although, I saw bright lights, after that my body was hurting and I heard screaming. But then, I was feeling so sleepy all of a sudden where the only thing I could see where those bright lights that grew darker. Where's my dad, what happened to my daddy?"

The doctor and nurse couldn't look my mom or me in the eye to answer my question but had said that the accident happened three weeks ago. The bright lights came from the truck of a drunk driver, or that the vehicle couldn't work right; I didn't pay much attention. Other then the fact that the little boy and his mother were also caught in the incident with us, the mother died instantly where her son had slight injuries. While with us, my father died just like the boy's mother did in protecting us from the crash. Mom's arm was broken with some bruised ribs while I hit my head pretty hard, resulting in me losing small fabrications of my memory, nothing too serious and with my ankle being twisted.

We didn't know much else about the little boy and his family, or of what could have happened. My mother wanted to know what she could due to assist. However, not being relatively related we couldn't help much or learn more about the family, other than the fact that the boy now adopted by another member with his father being unknown by the rest of us.

Since then, it's just been my mom and me going through our daily lives naturally. However, it turned out after a few years passed, my mothers' wounds were more dangerous then what the doctors or I couldn't find out until it was too late.

One of her fractured ribs scared her right lung from the outside-in until she finally passed out one day. Since it was a late observation, surgery would only help prolong the wound and persistent bleeding she accumulated. Since then, I've done all I can to help while she stays in the hospital until I come up with the money. However, I know that it'll be time to 'let go of the past and live for the future in the present'; a motto my dad has always said when times get rough around the edges.

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