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"Hi," Anthony said the next day.


"Did I scare you?"

"Yeah, you scare me...I mean....you scared me."

"You're afraid of me?"

"A little. You surprised me yesterday."

In exactly the same way as he did the day before, Anthony kissed me. His arms wrapped around my waist and my arms went around his neck, almost instinctively.

"You don't seem scared to me." He whispered.

"It comes and goes."

It's next to impossible to be brave when you're not. Anthony was so confident and sure of himself and there I was, a timid little fifteen year old boy.

"Why are you so interested in me?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't know me."

"I know enough. Like your name is Sam, we're in the same grade, and you're very cute."

"There's more you should know about me. Lots more."

"We can learn about each other."

This is crazy. He didn't know I existed until yesterday.

"You can't like me. I'm....me."

"That's why I like you."

"Okay....I guess I feel the same."

"That is more than good enough for me."

He kissed me sweetly. As I kissed him back, it started to feel natural and familiar.

"What are you doing after school?" Anthony asked, interlocking our fingers.


"Do you want to do something with me?"

I nodded, too excited to speak.

"Meet me here after your last class, okay?"

"Okay," I said quietly.

The bell rang and everyone scattered to their classes.

"Go. You'll be late to class." Anthony said, letting go of my hands.

"What about you?"

"I don't care about me."

I grinned at his response.


"You're sexy when you smile." He says, turning and walking to his class.

I blush harder than I ever had and wandered to my classroom in a daze.


"Wow...you live here?" I asked in awe as we arrived at Anthony's house.

"Every day of the year."

There were winding staircases, long hallways, and it probably didn't mean much, but the shiniest floor I had ever seen.


"My dad....I don't really know what he does, but I guess it pays well."

"Are your parents here?"


He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I glanced at him as he leaned in to place a kiss on my lips.

"Come with me." He took my hand, pulling me upstairs with him.

"This is my room." He opened the door at the end of the hall.

For The Love Of A Bad BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon