Chapter 10: Fixing the Problem?

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"So just to get this straight... he can at least just uh, do stuff in the shower?" Jordan asked.

"He can try. It doesn't always work that way, though. His body could sometimes refuse to accept that kind of situation. There isn't a ton of information about this in males and since this seems new to him, it likely just started. If anything, just make sure that he has protection on him in case the heat gets bad when it's not expected."

Arron was a puddle of fluffy sadness on the table as they talked all about his soon to be sex life that he really didn't want. Why couldn't it always just work if he just did stuff by himself? He didn't want to have to breed with some random person, even by mistake, and especially not a male.

With a tired sigh Jordan looked down at him, then back up to the vet.

"Alright. I'll talk it over with him when we get home. Thanks, doctor."

The vet nodded and offered a faint smile before walking them out.

"If there are any other issues, please give me a call." He said.


Arron didn't resist being carried in Jordan's arms out to the car that time, nor did he make a sound as they headed to the ice cream shop nearby. At first, he didn't really want the sweet treat anymore, but when Jordan ordered him a chocolate dipped vanilla cone he couldn't resist tackling it. People were staring and whispering about him being in his kitten form on the table, but they probably just assumed that he was a little kid and couldn't control it yet.

Either way, his whole face was covered in ice cream by the time he'd eaten enough to start munching on the cone. Jordan was trying hard not to laugh while he held it upright for him. Arron thought he was doing it to keep the mess he was making to a minimum, but it definitely didn't help.

"No wonder your mother said to be careful if I gave you ice cream." Jordan said.

Arron's cheetah sat up after a moment and pawed at its muzzle, then licked the foot a few times.

"Don't even try to pretend like you're going to clean up the mess you've made of yourself."

Okay, I won't.

By the time he had finished his entire cone he was an albino ice cream cheetah, but he knew that he made the look work.

"Okay, you are totally getting a rinse in the sink before going back into the car." Jordan said.

He was going to protest but Jordan scruffed him too quickly, then carried him off to the bathroom without waiting for a single mew. Thankfully, it wasn't a full bath, though Arron would definitely need to take one when they got back home. After a quick rinse he was held, squirming, under the hand dryer for a few minutes until he was a complete puff ball of fur.

"You poof up so nicely." Jordan teased.

Yeah yeah, laugh at the poor kitten who just had to be traumatized by a hand dryer.

Well, after a quick glance into the mirror, he did actually look pretty funny.

"Alright, time to head home. I'll get the shower going for you while you get yourself shifted back. The boys should all be at school by now, so you won't have to worry about them."

As they headed back outside, Arron carefully climbed up Jordan's chest a little to nuzzle at his mane of hair. He started to purr a little, which he hoped Jordan didn't mind. After everything that had happened, he was actually feeling pretty happy. Sure, he might be even more of a freak right than before, but he had a person who honestly cared about him right by his side, and who reminded him of his own father.

The ride home was comfortable as Arron rested in Jordan's lap, one of the man's hands scratching behind his ears the whole way.

When they parked, Arron jumped out and padded up to the door, stopping to take a quick pee on the lawn. Jordan rose his brow at him, but just shrugged. With a quiet mew Arron ran inside and stumbled upstairs after Jordan, managing to get in front of him. Jordan walked into the bathroom as Arron focused on changing back into his human form. By the time he was standing on two legs, the shower was ready and Jordan was walking over to him.

"I'll be working from home most of this week to make sure that everything is okay. If your heat gets worse, tell me and we'll try to work it out, okay?"

Arron blushed but gave him a nod. He wanted to hug him but his instincts wanted the opposite, so he just smiled and stepped into the shower to scrub off all the ice cream he had acquired.

The rest of the day went pretty well. Arron spoke with Jordan for awhile, but since he wasn't feeling any real side effects from the heat, he decided to just take advantage of being the only kid home and go outside to swing. When he stepped into the huge, fenced backyard he couldn't keep his jaw from dropping.


"Don't you dare say shit, kid. Your mom'll kill me." Jordan said from behind him.

"Like you just did?"

Jordan pursed his lips and glanced away. "You heard nothing."

Even though Arron had just gotten out of the shower a bit ago, he was feeling that maybe some running around would be more in order than just sitting. So, with an excited mew he ran over and tagged Jordan where he was sitting, then shifted and bolted out of his pile of clean clothes.

"You did not just challenge a lion to a game of tag."

Before Arron knew it there was a giant lion tromping after his tiny butt. Normally, he would be terrified, but they were totally having a ball running around the big backyard. Even more so because Arron could fit on the playground while Jordan had to run around the bottom and try to catch him when he ran across the plastic bridge or went down the slide.

Come three o' clock they were both panting heavily in the cool grass. Arron was flopped over Jordan's left arm as his lion lazed on the lawn.

The doors to the house opened up a bit later and they both looked up as Tarren and Rylan walked out. They paused almost immediately seemingly unsure of the situation they had found themselves in.

The second both brothers zeroed in on Arron their attention seemed stuck on him. He could sense their lions right beneath their skin and quickly backed up to hide in Jordan's large mane. As Arron was moving Jordan gave a warning roar, snapping both boys back to themselves in an instant. There were several moments of silence after that, letting Arron know that they were likely talking among themselves telepathically.

When Jordan got up, Arron nearly freaked out. Both boys were in their lion forms seconds afterward and rushing over... and Arron definitely might have peed a little.

With a screech that would befit any terrified kitten, he bolted up the slide and... slid right back down.

Tarren was the first to meet him at the bottom, but while Arron expected him to jump on him right away, he actually started nudging him around with his big paw.


Rylan was there a moment later and swatted at him too, but he wasn't that good at holding back his strength and sent Arron toppling off the slide and into the thick grass with a thud. He got himself back up after a minute and shook off before running around with the two lions for awhile. Now that they weren't trying to breed or attack him, they were actually kind of fun.

Everyone was pretty worn out by dinner time, and judging from all the grumbling stomachs, everyone was ready to eat a ridiculous amount of food.

Jordan was the first one to shift back. Even being naked he held himself in high regard and was every bit as regal as his lion was as he turned to address them before heading inside.

"How does Chinese sound, boys?"

Two excited roars and Arron's quiet mew told him it sounded like a perfect idea.

All three of them ran up to the deck and began shifting back to their human forms right away. All the stress from earlier had been exercised away and he was feeling pretty darn good. The warm, soft skin against his cheek also felt pretty great.

And that was when he realized that he was nuzzling his face against Rylan's naked thigh.

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