Everything That Could Go Wrong

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Inauguration Day. 

The day he had been dreaming about for as long as he could remember. The day had finally come, where he would get the recognition he so desperately wanted. The dream to become Hokage in order to be recognized by his village as a formidable shinobi, sparked by the constant challenge of being shadowed by his rival, Kakashi Hatake. 

 Today was the day where everyone from all five great nations would remember his name as it would be etched into shinobi history: Fifth Hokage. Obito Uchiha. 

Ever since childhood, Obito felt inferior to everyone else around him. It seemed like everyone was effectively sharpening his or her skills, leaving Obito behind in every sense of the word. It was with these feelings of inferiority that he developed his lifelong goal of becoming the Land of Fire's most powerful shinobi, and Konohagakure's sworn protector. How else would he prove to everyone that he is worthy of wearing the Uchiha crest? Then one day, he met someone who would change his ambitions for the better. It happened unexpectedly; he was alone at the training grounds one night practicing his fire-style jutsus. He had just completed a particularly impressive Fireball Technique when a girl about his age startled him by cheering him on after the smoke dissipated. After quickly forming a bond, (y/n) began accompanying Obito on his nightly training sessions. Even at his below-average skill level, she seemed wildly impressed by even the most basic ninja techniques he would perform. This girl, as Obito learned her name as (y/n), was different somehow. She offered him the attention Obito had always craved but could never obtain due to Kakashi always stealing the spotlight. The only other girl to give him any form of attention was Rin, but even she pined after the famous Hatake. (y/n) was different. All of her time and focus centered on him. Despite not being trained as a kunoichi, (y/n) never hesitated to help Obito develop his own skills either by sparring or simply offering emotional support. It wasn't long before Obito found a new light of his life, and as the years went by, their mutual love became more and more prominent. Fast-forwarding to years later, Minato Namikaze announced that he was stepping down as the Forth Hokage, leaving the now extraordinary Obito Uchiha as the central candidate for the village's next leader. The timing was all but perfect, however, as months before the announcement, (y/n) revealed sensitive information that may have compromised his plans.


"Obito, we're having a baby." (y/n) said while avoiding eye contact with the Uchiha, as if she was almost embarrassed to say it due to her high levels of modesty. 

"You- I- w-what?" Obito tried to speak, only for his words to come out in a jumbled mess of disbelief. A faint blush painted her cheeks to the point where it almost seemed painful, as she mustered the courage to meet his wide eye. 

"You're not...disappointed, are you?" The increasingly painful heartbeat in her chest distracting (y/n) from her thoughts. 

At this question, Obito straightened out his posture with both of his hands raised in front of his chest in a defensive gesture as his eyebrows knitted together in a nervous expression. "No, no. Of course I'm not! This is just...wow. Unexpected, to say the least." As he says this, Obito lifted one of his arms up to scratch the back of his head, an anxious smile forming on his lips. 

(y/n) was worried. She knew that settling down with a family would put a wrench through Obito's plans, but at the same time (y/n) was confident that they would work things out and get through it together. After all, she supported him all throughout his teen years and encouraged him to never give up. She'd be damned if she were the one to get in the way of his plans now. This tense exchange of words quickly died down into an unsettling silence. The new vacancy for the title of Hokage had put Obito in a bit of a dilemma: if he accepted the Hokage position, he would have no time for his developing family. If he didn't accept the position, then his dream of becoming the first Uchiha Hokage and gaining that coveted recognition may never be achieved. Being his significant other for years certainly had its advantages as (y/n) could sense Obito's worry just by looking into his eye. Obito, despite only possessing one eye due to an accident in his teens, was still so expressive. That is what fascinated (y/n) about the Uchiha clan; their eyes express everything one would ever need to know. Not only that, but Uchihas are also prone to intense emotion, including anger, passion, and, of course, love. When Uchihas fall in love, they fall in love hard, and Obito is no exception. (y/n) knew that Obito loves her to death. She knew that he had always wanted kids someday as well. Knowing this comforted her, and with a content smile on her face, (y/n) broke the silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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