Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A small funeral was held for Georgiana a few days later. The MacGregors, Charity, and Julian were the only ones in attendance. Lord Nevill had left for parts unknown after he'd been cleared of wrongdoing. Sir Vincent and Mr. Bladen headed back to London the previous day. Lord and Lady Wrotham were to follow after the funeral.

"Will you be all right?" Charity asked her friend as they walked back to the carriage. Their husbands were a few steps back, talking in low, somber tones.

Millicent patted the hand Charity placed on her forearm. "Yes, in time I will be."

"I can't help but feel I'm abandoning you."

The other woman gave Charity a look that spoke volumes. "I may be frail of body, but I have a strong will."

Charity smiled. "Yes, you do," she agreed.

"Besides which, you've your girls to get back to. I'm certain they're missing you as much as you miss them."

"There is that." Charity stopped herself from voicing her wish that Millicent and Ant would join them in London. It wasn't fair as her friend was not well enough to make the journey, no matter how much either of them wished otherwise. Also, it was apparent that regardless of her protestations, Millicent was not well.

"Ready?" Julian asked a few minutes later as they stood beside their carriage. The two ladies were still bidding each other farewell.

"Yes," Charity couldn't help the tears in her eyes. Giving Millicent one, last hug, she allowed Julian to hand her inside.

The journey to London was long and arduous. Persistent rain made the roads nearly impassable. After eight days of travel, they finally made it to Julian's townhouse. It was at least twice as large as Shepridge End, although smaller than Breeley Court. This London home was also more elegant than the MacGregor's primary residence, with its updated fixtures and modern amenities. It also had a full and well-trained staff. Charity wondered how Julian had ever endured her rude and aging servants.

The next morning, well before it was fashionable to be visiting, they arrived at Charles' home. Their daughters were happy to be reunited with their parents. They showed no signs of being worse for wear due to the extended separation. Charity's brother was ready to relinquish his nieces into their Charity and Julian's care.

"I swear, Nurse Hollings should be sainted," Charles joked.

Charity couldn't disagree. Emma was a godsend. She didn't know how she'd gotten along with her daughters before the young woman came into her employ.

Soon, with the girls busy playing in a corner of the room under the watchful eye of their nurse, talk turned to more pressing matters.

"I've heard back from the Ecclesiastical Court," Charity's brother remarked. "One of their representatives actually came here, to me." Charles handed Julian a glass of brandy, then sat opposite them.

"And so?" Charity prompted, wishing her brother would just spit it out. Beside her, Julian chuckled at her show of impatience.

"Well," Charles began, "he was unwilling to drop the suit." Over Charity's outraged huff, he continued. "He nattered on incessantly about how the wheels of justice could not easily be halted once they began to move."

Charity's heart sank, and she grasped Julian's hand. Could the Church truly dissolve their marriage?

"And so," Charles said loudly as if he were talking over a forthcoming interruption. "I felt I had little choice but to introduce him to the twins." Charity's brother's grin was impish. "The suit has been dropped, and I will be fined for bringing forth a false accusation of impotence."

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