25. where are you

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October 11th, 1986. Streets of Glasgow. 3:24. A.M.

The trip back to the hotel was tedious and long, not by the distance but by my state of mind. The three of us searched the area as we walked along the street sides, all we found was an extended stretch of road with dull street lamps shining down on them, the best they could. The city truly died at this time in the morning.

As soon as I made it back to the hotel, I raced into the elevator, wishing it would go faster, I pushed the button multiple times, and bounced my legs up and down in anticipation. I needed him, I wanted to open that door and see him there in the bed. Sleeping with those sweet snores coming out of his mouth.

I sprinted down the hallway, flinging the door open. The room was exactly how we left it, our clothes flung around the door from when we tried to pick something to wear, and no sign of Curt. I shut the door behind myself, wanting to be alone. I had lost the two boys in the lobby, or maybe down the street, they slipped my mind.

I dipped down on the bed, before sliding down the side and onto the ground. My hands clutched around the shirt he was going to wear out, but later changed his mind. I held it to my face, breathing in his cologne. Oh, how so badly I wanted him to be in here.

I let the tears in my water eyes, wet the shirt, I had cried more than ever in my entire life in just this one night. I ugly cried, my eyes bloated up red and my nose leaked too. I knew it finally after all this time, I would never ever cry this way over Roland...

"Curt..." I whispered up to the gods above, slipping down more on the ground, I laid my head against the cold wooden floors, not caring how dusty they were. Never else seemed to matter but him... "...Please..." I slowly slipped, my eyes becoming heavier, "...Come back..." until I finally fell unconscious.

October 11th, 1986.Hotel in Glasgow. 8:19. A.M.

I shot awake to the sound of banging at the door. I felt so dizzy and out of it, I couldn't tell if it was a hangover or not. I slugged up of the ground, wiping the dribble from my chin and unlocked the door. Ian stood right in front of me, breathing heavily, "We..." he gasped, "...Found...Him..."

A/N: Sorry this is super short, I have had around 4 hours sleep in 3 days, plus I just spent 12 hours at work and another 8 doing an essay paper. yee

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