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The house grew quiet as the sky turned the most marvelous colors. Different hues of pink and peach streaked the sky, turning it into something that I had never had the pleasure of seeing before. Even if I was up that early in the morning, I didn't bother looking at the sky, it wasn't like I was going to see it anyway. My view was always obstructed by tall office buildings of the colors were muted by exhaust and smoke. Most of my outdoor encounters were looking around on the ground, trying to make sure I wasn't going to get hit by a car, not bothering to try to find out what color the sky was. 

The singing birds had me sighing, returning me to the window. A small smile graced my face as I peacefully watched the sky continuously change overtime. Taking a huge breath, I sighed and closed my eyes, breathing in again. The air was light and sweet, unlike the toxic air I had breathed my entire life, and I loved it. It was clean and pure, something I needed to rid my life of my tainted past.

I giggled as a small breeze picked up my hair, swirling it around my face, tickling my cheeks and nose. I opened my eyes to watch the long, luscious grass dance in the swing, dancing to the sounds of nature. A butterfly floated with the wind, landing on a nearby flower and showed up is marvelous orange and black coloring.

Along the wooden fence, in the distance, stood a herd of cows, grazing along the thick grass. They ranged from a chocolate white to black, some splattered with different sized spottings. A baby one, a calf as I recalled, was nursing from its mother, it's tail Savin back and forth. Once it got its full, it ran off clumsily, not making it very far before it tripping and rolling over, making me laugh. I felt bad for the poor thing but I couldn't help but let my joy release from my mouth. I was relieved when it stood and was able to run back to its mother, seemingly unfazed by the event.

I gazed across the large property, finally able to see its entirety in the sunlight. The dew that sat upon the grass glittered across the land. The property was much large than I had previously thought. The hills had tricked me into thinking that it was smaller than what it actually was.

There was nothing but land, fencing and a few staggered trees when I looked off to the left but the same could not said for the right side. Large, barn like structures stood in the distance, a green tractor Parker beside one of them. Even further away a few more sets of buildings, horses enjoying their morning breakfast were over there. Past the hill and at least a mile ahead of me was a dense forest, I had mistaken it for a larger hill the night before. To say the least, the property was beautiful. I had never in my life seen such untouched earth before leaving my city. I scanned the property again, trying to find things that I may have overlooked.

Two large dogs rested in the shade beneath a tree, seeming to be keeping an eyes on the animals. Two more were playing in an empty field, fighting over a large stick. They didn't look mean by any means but their size unnerved me. If they didn't like me, they could easily do some damage if they wanted to. Also, I had never been around dogs bigger than a miniature poodle, ankle biters of you will. The ones that easily fit in a purse for the owners to show off and they were as equally entitled as the owners as well. As snobby as they were, they were the people I had to put up with, to blend in with and I was exhausted from it.

When I thought I had seen everything, a movement from underneath another tree got my attention. It was so far away that I couldn't tell if I had imagined it or if there really was something hiding underneath that tree. I squinted my eyes a bit, trying to get and idea of what was hidden in those shadows. What ever it was shifted again, confirming my growing suspicion. I waited there for what seemed like minutes, waiting to see if it would reveal itself to my but it didn't. When I grew bored and began to turn away, it shifted forward, appearing from the darker shade.

Although the figure was still blanketed by the shadows, I could see him clearly. It was most definitely a male, defined by broad shoulder and a large figure. He sat confidently upon a tall steed, shielding me from figuring out how tall he was. I was more than a bit started when I saw his head facing my direction, the feeling of his eyes one me. I gasped and reeled back out of his sight, leaning against the wall.

I didn't like the fact that I had no idea how long he had been there, how long he had been staring at me. My hands shook again when I realized that his eyes made me feel warm, a bubbly sensation had appeared in my stomach. It felt as if I was happy and going to puke at the same time, a feeling that wasn't at all pleasant.

I swallowed down the burning bile and tried to breath my from my nose, finding it congested. The cold chills washed over my body once more and my fever began to make a reappearance. Another coughing fit arose from my throat, the dry itchiness wouldn't go away, not matter how hard or how much I coughed.

It was then I knew that I had to go downstairs, facing the lady of the house again. Not only did I needed water to sooth my throat, there was no doubt in my mind that she didn't hear me. I knew that she knew that I was awake, I pushed my limit as far as it could go. Trying to suppress my loud cough with the sweatshirt sleeve, I regretfully made my way down the stairs, my heart pounding in my ears.

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