Charlie x Male!Reader (The Angel in Hell)

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Author's Note: This oneshot was requested by @YeahYoongeh!

The angel in Hell... Such a term never seemed so fitting for a girl like Charlie. Admittedly, when you first received the opportunity to meet her, it was in an attempt to have certain connections that might aid you in the case that some new territory opens up for you to claim. You'd thought that gaining the princess's affections and friendship was going to be a strenuous battle. That she'd be rude and pompous, or sinister and deceiving like her family before her.

She was a freaking marshmallow.

It didn't take long for you to warm up to her optimist and unending desire to fix the wrecked place she called home, but it was somewhat uncomfortable. It was no small deed that landed you in Hell; you had killed people. A hitman, to be specific. An apathetic hitman with no remorse for his victims. And Charlie... she was everything you weren't. Loving, caring, empathetic, beautiful, hopeful...

Over time, you finally forced yourself to confront the feelings you had when she was around. But the thought of telling her only seemed like a lost cause. She was too good for the world she lived in, and the idea that she deserved someone better ate you alive every moment you even began to consider confessing.

You'd taken residence at her Hotel, a rehabilitation for the damned and broken. While it was thoughtful of Charlie, as she always was, you weren't sure many people were going to take interest in redemption or changing for the better... Still, a few people came and made the hotel into their whacky sudo-family. And what a weird family it was...

There was you, the hitman, Angel Dust the porn star mobster, Alastor the clearly deranged serial killer, Mimzy the flirtatious flapper girl, Husk the alcoholic cat creature, Nifty the 1950's little fashionista, Baxter the socially awkward mad scientist, Vaggie the hot-tempered knife girl, and of course, the gem that brought you all together, Charlie...

Much to your dismay, almost everyone caught onto your... desire, so to speak, for Charlie. And if it weren't for the little respect that Nifty managed to hold in her thin little body, she probably would have outright told Charlie this.

It was getting more difficult to speak to her without embarrassing yourself, especially when Angel Dust entered the equation. He was the biggest prick of them all, trying to find various ways to embarrass you or hint to Charlie.

One day, while you were at the bar contently listening to Charlie talk with that giddy and longing smile she always wore, Angel leaned in out of nowhere and started flirting with her. Angel was the kind of person who flirted with everyone, so this didn't exactly phase Charlie.

What did phase her was the vile look you sent Angel Dust in response. Angel whistled with surprise at your glare, which screamed volumes of 'stop that right now or I'll bury you in a hole and they'll never find the body'.

"What's the matter, Y/n? Don't like that?" Angel smirked.

You were about to retort that no, you most certainly didn't, but upon remembering Charlie's eyes on you, flushed bright red with embarrassment. Angel cracked his knuckles, like this was a job well done.

"Welp, I think I've done all I can do! See you two lovebirds later!" And he darted away.

Which was good, cause if he'd stayed a moment longer, you would have flung from your chair and attempted to brutally strangle the spider demon. You stared daggers at the direction he left in, until you remembered a certain crush right beside you. Looking over...

Charlie was smiling.

You swallowed and awkwardly averted your gaze. She knew now... There was no way she didn't know, after all the teasing from the other hotel members and the very obvious hint that Angel so brutally threw at her. You fiddled with your hands and attempted to regain your composure.

"L-Listen, what he said-"

"I know."

You sputtered a bit with disbelief when she kissed your cheek before giving a shy smile. "I was actually waiting for you to tell me yourself, but Angel sort of ruined that."

She hugged you, and while you still didn't feel worthy of her love, you slowly hugged her back. Your face was red, and what was worse, many of the hotel's residents were peeking in through the doorway with smirks, as if they'd been waiting for this to happen. You sent them a dirty look, but couldn't hold it. You were too happy to hold it. You ran your fingers through that soft golden hair and rested your chin on top of her head.

Okay... You could definitely work with this.

Enjoy Your Stay~! (Hazbin Hotel x Reader Onshots)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα