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When Jungkook was sitting at a table at lunch waiting for the friends he and Jimin had made he felt someone sit next to him. Jungkook turned to looks at the person only to see Jimin smiling at him.

"What are you doing here hyung shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" Jungkook asked with an annoyed tone. Jimin smile faltered at the question.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around Jungkookie..." Jimin apologized causing the younger to sigh and turned back to his food and eat. Jimin felt sad that the younger was ignoring him, "I really didn't mean to leave you I was just caught up in my relationship with Taemin, I'll even bring if here-" "Don't I don't want him around me.." Jungkook caught Jimin off, the thought of having Taemin around angered him. "Do you have a problem with him Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah I do hyung, he had come to me asking me if I was alright with you dating him and I told him to forget about it. I don't want you getting hurt and the things I hear about him made me sure that he will hurt you but he still went ahead and asked you out. Not only did he do that but ever since the two of you had gotten together I don't even seem to be in your mind. It's been two weeks since you have even said a word to me and it hurts hyung" Jungkook had become so quiet and depressed like he was the time they became separated when they were infants. His parents had noticed and also Jimin's parents noticed when he went to their apartment to ask for the younger only to be told he was out with Taemin.

"Jungkook I'm sorry for not being around but you can't decide who I date and Taemin is a good guy sure he gets touchy and all but he is my boyfriend so he can do that stuff." Jimin tried to reason with Jungkook only to be answered with a scoff. " I have to disagree with you Jimin, Taemin isn't a good guy to date actually, he is know to play with everybody's hearts and leave them crying. He actually recently hooked up with a girl and left her in a motel after promising her that he'd date her after" a new voice informed.

Jungkook and Jimin looked up to see one of their new friend who was named Seokjin but prefers to be called Jin. "Guys I really don't like what you're saying about Taemin, he has only ever been a sweet to me" Jimin stood up and walked away muttering words that neither of the two heard. "He's really attached this time Kook what are you going to do if it ends badly?" Jin asked, "when hyung.....not if it's when....and I don't know I'm sick of seeing him cry over and over again and the fact that he is so attached now it worries me but also angers me. He gets attached because he feels like he isn't loved when all my life that's all I've been giving him, I don't know what to do anymore" Jungkook pushed his food away and layer his head down on the table, Jin stared at the younger hating how depressed he had become when Jimin began to hang with his boyfriend rather than Jungkook. Jin knew what the younger felt for his best friend and he was happy because he always believed they were meant to be but now he realizes that it was causing him pain.

Soon enough the rest of their friends arrived to the table with their food in hand, they didn't ask what was wrong with Jungkook since they already knew it had become normal to see the youngest like this and it pained them to see it. "Jungkook come to a party with us tonight it's a Friday so there's no school tomorrow, it could take your mind off things and you could maybe meet someone" Yoongi suggested to which the others agreed to also. Jungkook was about to decline when Jin interrupted "you're going and that's final I'm sick and tired of seeing you so dead you need to get your mind off of everything right now so that you can relax" after that Jungkook knew he had no other choice but to listen to the elder.

"I guess I'm going then" Jungkook chuckled, everyone else laughed and began eating their food, Jin began to force feed Jungkook who kept claiming he was full but when a growl was heard Jin glared at the boy. Jimin had seen the scene unfold from far off and he couldn't help but feel guilt inside of him, he missed being with the guys but he also wanted to spend time with his boyfriend he knew he couldn't bring Taemin to the others due to the rumors of his and because of Jungkook. For now he watched the others from afar and smiled at the actions.

"Hey Jimin lets go to a party tonight huh, I promise it'll be fun" Taemin asked Jimin who immediately denied, he wasn't really in the mood to party since he argued with Jungkook. Taemin who was smiling was now scowling, "Jimin you're joining me to the party whether you like it or not" Taemin demanded as he stared into Jimin's eyes. The smaller slowly nodded too afraid to disobey the other, it wasn't the first time Taemin has made himself dominant to the other and Jimin could say that he hated it whenever he did. Taemin placed his focus back to his friends and began laughing while Jimin turned back to his old group of friends but what he didn't expect was to see Jungkook already looking at him, the two made eye contact and neither made a move to break it. It was so natural that the two seemed to be communicating but it was cut short when the bell rang and Taemin pulled Jimin out of the cafeteria away from the younger.

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