Chapter 14

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The trio's flight was at night and because they had the whole day they decided to tour around Zurich.

They explored the old town, walking around the alleyways. Mac walked ahead of them, Kyle and V after him and Rihito and Rina walked behind them, they held hands like it was the most natural thing to do. Looking around, they entered a small shop. Kyle was trying some sunglasses taking some selfies. 

"This looks good on you." Rihito smiled at Rina as he made her wear a cute bunny cap. Rina looked at herself in the mirror, "it's too cute for me." She tried to take it off but Rihito put it back for her. "I'm buying it. It's a gift, you're not allowed to say no."

"In that case, this looks good on you." She found a cap for Rihito and placed it on his head. "Return gift." She smiled at him. "Thank you, it suits my personality doesn't it?" Rihito checks himself in the mirror.

 "Thank you, it suits my personality doesn't it?" Rihito checks himself in the mirror

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"Totally!" Rina laughs. 

There was someone stealing glances at them. 

"V! Where are you looking? Look at the screen and take my picture properly!" Kyle whined.


After the shopping, they went on for the boat tour. 

Rihito got on the boat first and offered his hands, Rina placed her hands on his. "Thank you." She smiled at him. "My pleasure." He winked at her.

When V held out her hand Rihito was already gone, the smile disappeared from her face.

After the boat tour, Rihito and Rina walked hand in hand, "are you having fun?" He asked. 

"yup, a lot." She answered grinning.

Veeda ran up to them and held onto Rihito's arms. "What?" Rihito asked. "You promised me to treat ice cream remember?" Veeda pouted.

"I can buy you one at dinner." He said.

"Why wait when we have one right here?" She pointed at a shop. "Come on!" She dragged him along glaring back at Rina.

 Rina now stared at her empty hands, missing his warmth already. What the hell am I thinking?  She shook her head and slapped her cheeks.


After their flight being canceled due to bad weather, the three of them returned back to the hotel. Veeda called out to Rina as she saw her getting on the lift but before her voice could reach her the door closed. She tried calling her number but no one picked up, she called Rihito whose phone was busy. She sighed and went to the reception to inquire about their rooms, she learned of the most shocking thing.

At the bar, Rina and Veeda were sitting side by side and boys were at the table away from them. 

"Hey, I think you should stop V. You've drunk enough." 

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