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Hey! I'm Grace Pather and I've dealt with a lot of boy problems In the past, trust me.
I've never really been into the cliches and love at first sight. I don't really believe in that stuff. I believe it's just a coincidence and confidence really.
I hate love, it's stupid. It messes with your brain. My biggest pet peeve is seeing soppy couples in public that are all over each other. To be honest with you, i hate it because it brings back too many memories. Memories that should be long forgotten, left behind. That mean too much. They're the ones that make me weak, make me breakable. I'm not one to break. I cry a lot, I admit that. But I have depression. It's a daily struggle, but I live with it and sometimes my conscience is the only thing that keeps my company. Times have changed since a year ago. I never used to be like this. Not until he left me anyway. He hurt me, he's the one that broke me. I'll never be the same. That's why I hate love. It messes with your brain. It makes you distracted. It can also make you sad..
My parents have never been in the picture, well not from my memory they haven't. Apparently they never even tried to look after me. Maybe that's why I'm so tough now?
I lived on the streets when I was roughly five. Those days were cold. I was vulnerable, extremely. Luckily an elderly lady took me in. She went by the name I think is Juliana. She was nice, maybe too nice. But she did put me in education, which was probably the best thing that could've happened. I was one of very few kids who actually enjoyed school. I didn't enjoy break time and lunchtime as much, well mainly because I didn't have any friends. Well I didn't really try to have them. In Year 7 I met him. Yes him. The boy he broke my heart in two. We won't get into that right now. I think that story is for another time. I instantly felt a connection, his bright blue eyes stared into my lonely soul and for once in my life I had this weird sensation of feeling whole. He was the only one who made me smiled. I guess you could say he was my best friend at the time.
I went home one evening from school and I saw Juliana knocked unconscious on the floor. Her nose was bleeding. It looked like she had fallen down the stairs. My eyes stung and I cried the whole night wondering if she was going to be ok. The police arrived at the door, they asked to see a guardian. I didn't really know what to say, Juliana was my only guardian well to me she was family. I lied and said they'll be back later. I guess they forget and never came back. And as I grow up, time moves on..

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