The Mark of Nimueh P3

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Arthur glanced up as Morgana entered his chambers. She hadn't knocked, which usually meant that it was something important, although, in all honesty, he couldn't really remember the last time the ward had used her basic manners.

"Are you alright?" the prince looked mildly concerned, "I'm sorry about all this, Merlyn hasn't been in today." he said, gesturing at the mountain of half-eaten food.

"Poor Merlyn." Morgana mumbled, looking at the sheer volume of work her friend would have to do once they stopped the Afanc.

"Yeah." Arthur replied, not particularly caring. It was her job, after all.

"She's been running around town, trying to save people she knows will die. I can't imagine anyone else sacrificing themselves quite as much as she has." Morgana was talking smoothly, pointedly, meaning that she wanted something.

The Prince was speechless for a moment. "She's very brave." was all Arthur came up with.

"She's a lover, I certainly can't imagine anyone doing what she does on a daily basis."

"Fight plagues?"

"Look after you." Morgana met his eyes, a prominent smirk evident on her face.

"Sadly, it seems the age of gallantry is dead. You look around and all you see are small men not big enough to fill their armour. There's not one of them that's able to protect their damsel, even if they don't ask for it." the ward sighed dramatically, staring knowingly at the Prince.

He knew she'd got him. "What do you want me to do?" he asked, ignoring her triumphant smile.

They met Merlyn in the courtyard and practically ran towards the entrance to the tunnels. Morgana and Arthur both lit a torch, something that would be vital for slaying the Afanc, not that they knew it.

"You better be right about this Merlyn." Arthur muttered, his voice trembling slightly. They heard a growl, which made Morgana gasp, fear coating her features.

"You should stay here." said a worried Arthur, "You too Merlyn."


"Scared that we'll show you up?"

They barged passed him, genuinely angry. He knew that Merlyn could beat him in a fight, and Morgana could certainly hold her own, so this was no time for chivalry.

"Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you." he called out to them, knowing that it wouldn't make a difference.

"Well it's a good thing that he doesn't know, then." Both women continued walking. He had known that it was useless, but he needed to try. The Prince jogged to catch up with them, standing so that he was blocking the entrance to the tunnels.

"I'm telling you Morgana, turn back. You could get hurt."

"So could you, if you don't get out of my way." threatened Morgana, earning a small chuckle from Merlyn, which turned into a fortuitous cough when Arthur glared at her. They continued through the passage, passing the point where Morgana had almost drowned- something neither Merlyn nor Morgana thought Arthur should know about - without any sign of the monster.

"How are we going to find it?" Arthur sounded bored. If he hadn't heard the growl when they'd entered the cavern, he would doubt the existence of the creature.

"Just hope we do before it finds us." Merlyn replied, not in the mood to be questioned.

Silence reigned for a moment, the tension building, adrenaline running through Arthur's veins.

Merlyn's Only HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora