Rotty's FAQ

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Rotty's FAQ

I got new questions, new responses, and some old ones in here. Remember, these are frequently asked questions, so before you ask on my message board, check here to see if your question is already answered!


Q: What's the new update schedule?
A: Honestly? whenever. I'll announce on my profile when updates are ready to be read.

Q: Can you update [insert story here]?
A: When I feel like it.

Q: Where is [insert story]?
A: In my works. If it's part of a series, the series is listed on my profile page. Each series is listed in reading order and separated with a dotted line.

Q: Do I have to read [insert series] in order?
A: YES. I repeat: YES. You have to read my works in order. It's why I added pretty numbers on the cover, mention it in the story summary, aaaand why I get sassy in the author note at the beginning sometimes.

Q: Can you stop starting new books and finish the old ones?
A: make me >:o

Q: How do you deal with nasty comments?
A: I summon the dark powers from beyond the veil and use the mighty delete and block buttons, then proceed with my joyful homo frolicking.

Q: Why isn't there any "preparation" in your earlier stories?
A: Because I was super shy about it and I figured most people would assume what they did to prepare. Also, I was unsure of Wattpad's policy. See, I got banned from deviantART, like, six times for this, so yeah. Past me was cautious and awkward.

Q: How do you know so much about what you write?
A: Online research. And Twinklight. (NO JUST KIDDING DON'T WATCH IT IT'S AWFUL STOP)

Q: Do you have a kik?
A: That sounds painful. And no.

Q: Do you have a Twitter?
A: Nah, not my thing.

Q: Do you have Instagram?
A: Pfft, no. Not big on taking photos of myself.

Q: Do you have a phone?
A: Noope, that's one device I don't need in my life.

Q: Are there character photos?
A: Yup! On my Facebook page, which is listed on my profile page (Facebook url is rottyonwatty)

Q: Why turtlenecks? Why leather?
A: Heh. I think people aren't thinking of the turtlenecks I'm thinking of. I'm not talking the fuzzy knit ones (although those are cozy during winter). I'm talking about shirts with long sleeves and high-neck collars, made of leather or spandex. The reason why these are very functional given most of the characters are warriors and have fangs-- it's hard to bite a throat with leather/spandex. Not worth the mouthful of material, so it deters jugular attacks by vampires and other fanged beasties. 
As for why leather: You obviously haven't seen how delicious a good rump looks in leather. Ha cha cha <3

Q: Would I be bothering you if I messaged you randomly :(?
A: No way! Never feel like you're bothering me<3

Q: Can you read my book and provide feedback?
A: I'd love to! Though, I get this request A LOT so just send me your book link and why you want me to read it and if you want legitimate feedback. Just be aware that it'll take me a while to get to your book since I'll have a list of them to go through. While balancing updates and so on.

Q: Can you share my work with your followers?
A: Unfortunately, I cannot and I apologize, but there'd be WAYYY too many of those all over my message board and most people view this as spam and would ignore it anyway.

Q: Can I advertise on your story/message board?
A: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HA. No. I ain't nobody's billboard.

Q: What do you use to make your covers?
A: I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0.

Q: Do you ever plan on getting published?
A: It's more like a dream right now, not a for-sure thing.

Q: Where do you receive your inspiration from?
A: I can get it from anywhere. A sound, a smell, food item, a phrase, a song, a strange chill down my back, just stepping outside. Inspiration is hiding in everything. It just takes a bit for someone to sense it.

Q: What music do you listen to when you write?
A: Instrumental music. The less lyrics, the better, so I don't get distracted by the urge to break out in song. I listen to Hans Zimmer, Nox Arcana, Amethystium, Beats Antique, and the pandora Celtic Radio. Also, the Clash of Titan soundtrack.

Q: Do you really think your characters are people?
A: Nope... I know they are. Maybe not to the rest of the world, but they are to me. They're all my babies.

Q: Why do you write only boyxboy?
A: Because I like it. It's fun, different, overflowing with men, and just because.

Q: Why is everyone in your stories gay?
A: Not everyone is gay. i.e. Ace, Devin, and Rick from my I Kissed A Boy series are not gay-- they are bisexual. Jahlia, Jaques, and Dania from The Underworld series are all straight. Ayo from that same series is asexual. The reason it SEEMS like there are most gay couples is because I focus on malexmale relationships in my writing mainly. If I were to write about straight couples, you'd probably notice that most everyone is straight. See what I mean? It depends on my focus, and my main focus is generally malexmale relationships. Because they're fun.

Q: Will you ever do a girlxgirl or girlxboy?
A: Eh, maybe someday. I'll let you know when I decide to.

Q: Can I interview you?
A: Yup, just PM me, baby.

Q: Are you gay?
A: I am an asexual tree faerie.

Q: How old are you?
A: Old enough to drink.

Q: Are you Asian?
A: ... wat. no. how.

Q: Can I do a fanfiction/fanart?
A: As long as I receive proper credit, absolutely! And send me links

Q: I'll follow you if you follow me back? Follow me?
A: Only follow me if you like my work. Because that is what I do. This isn't Facebook or Twitter.

Q: I don't like [insert character], can you kill them?
A: I don't like Taylor Swift. Can you kill her? That is literally what this question is. No. Ain't killin' shit, 'less shit needs killin'.

Q: Why is there so much rape/abuse in your stories?
A: Because life isn't perfect. Life isn't a Disney fairy tale. Bad things happen. Awful things. We bury our heads in the sand in hopes of never seeing it, but that doesn't make it not real. We need to face the fact that life is harsh, but life is also good and beautiful. There is always sunshine after a storm.

Q: In the Moonstone series, why don't they just use condoms or birth control?
A: Their species is near to extinction. Why would they ever want to use birth control? That'd defeat the purpose of procreation. Not to mention, guys. Fluffy puppies. 'Nuff said.


If you have a question for me that was not listed, feel free to message me :) I promise I don't bite. Much.

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