Chapter 5: Awake

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I don't own Transformers or the characters. 


The beeping was getting on his nerves. Jack had been growing slowly more and more aware of it as it pierced the silence of his unconscious. He decided it was time to find the source.

It was like his eyes were glued shut. He tentatively began to peel them open, little by little. After what felt like an eternity he succeeded, but his vision was blurry and slow to adjust.

His limbs tingled as he became settled in his body again. As shapes formed out of the fog, he pieced together his surroundings. For a moment, the room felt oddly familiar.

"Of course," Jack realized, "all hospital rooms look the same."

His brain was still sluggish as he worked to remember why he was there. His last memory came back in flashes. Laughing, pain, blue optics and a worried smile. With a frown, Jack started to pick at the tape holding the IV into his arm. Surely he must have missed something, it didn't add up.

"Jack!" a familiar voice sobbed.

His dry lips twisted into a smile as he turned to face the now open door. "Hi, mom." His voice cracked.

June rushed forward, stopping herself just before she could pull him into a bear hug. Instead, she hovered, her hands delicately cupping the sides of his face. "My baby," Though she smiled her eyes were shining with tears. "You're awake, how do you feel?"

Jack thought on the question for a minute, allowing her touch to calm him as it always did. "Kinda like what I imagine dirt feels like. Can I have some water?"

She spun on her heels and got him a drink from the tray against the wall. Frustratingly, his hands trembled holding the glass, but his mom helped him bring it to his lips without incident.

"You're still getting your strength back, Jack. It's okay," She soothed, sensing the teenager's embarrassment. "Just take it easy."

"How long have I been here? What happened?" His blue eyes searched June's face desperately. She hesitated but, knowing he would never let the subject drop, slowly recounted the story. Jack listened on in silence.

"Your surgery went really well, and after a day your fever broke. That was yesterday, so you've been here a total of three days."

"You mean I was unconscious for two whole days?" Jack's voice was thick with panic.

"Considering this injury was left untreated for two whole weeks count yourself lucky, mister." She scolded, though her tone was soft.

Jack shrugged slightly, "Can this bed sit up?"

June couldn't help but smile at his non-reaction as she pushed one of the buttons lining the wall. The top half of the bed began creeping upwards until Jack was sitting up and facing her. "Now that the doctors took care of the tissue damage, all you have to worry about is letting the rib heal." She kissed his forehead lightly and started toward the door as she spoke, "I'm going to let your doctor know how you're doing. I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay, mom."

"Stay put." She teased, closing the door behind her.

Jack struggled to take in all she had told him, but it was only about a minute until a shrill ringing interrupted his thoughts and made him jump. With a wince, he grabbed clumsily for the phone. He huffed, annoyed with his own inability, before putting it to his ear.


"Hey, partner. Good to hear you're finally awake."

"Arcee," He breathed, relief flooding through him. "Hey"

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