Present Time

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S a t u r d a y  n i g h t

I tapped on the phone as the familiar voice heard out from the phone.

"Jennie Kim.

Now I'm sure that you're with the person you love, right?

I'm sorry that I lied to you. I just wanted to fulfil the promise I made from the beginning and that was to protect you.

I guess. This is the only and the last thing I could do for you and that is to leave

To be gone in your life


She said my name again beautifully and laughed. Sounds like the greatest melody to me. I miss her.

"Although you're short and moody."

She paused. I cried so hard again.

"And you even love someone else.

Even so,

I still

love you

the most.

Jennie if you're listening to this, I hope you're looking at the sky then I know,

I know I'm looking at the same starry sky

As the girl I love."

She paused for a while before finally saying—

"Aqui Te Amo."

The voice message stopped as my tears rolled over my cheeks endlessly.

I know I already played this a thousand times as much I regretted everything I had done.

Many things happened and everything had changed.

It's been a years now since Lisa vanished without giving any hint where did she go.

For what I knew it's been exactly 5 years since she left. The trace of her shadow didn't show up nor her presence.

It loosen my hope and that gave me an idea that she hadn't survived her surgery, I tried to talk to her mother but like her, she's nowhere to be found as well as the rest of her family.

I miss her, really and I'm suffering now.

Like I said many years passed and happened.

I've graduated as a summa cum laude got my very first job.

Being a lawyer and business women at the same time. I'm now running my dad's business and I back out from that society. I don't want to be involved to them.

While Chaeyoung and Jisoo just got married months ago. They build a mansion for their family. And had a child named Michaela. They always pampered the baby so she grew up having a bad attitude. You know.

Jisoo even said that her daughter's attitude was from me and I was like what the he'll I'm just babying their daughter.

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm teaching her how to be a snobbish and a little scary incase someone wants to get close to her and so what.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo will thank me for that, they will see.

And Irene? Well she just made a bad girl, good now.

You know Suelgi. The Greatest Casanova and fuck girl of all time. She's behaving like cute little kitten now, I guess she's really that under to Irene. I heard that Seulgi will be proposing next week to Irene.

It's a secret so shhh. Don't tell it to Irene. Or else it will be ruin.

After the two graduated Seulgi runs her dad's company making sure that she has money to feed her soon to be wife of course.

While me.

I don't know?

I've became very successful but never been completely satisfied nor happy.

I know that because she's not here with me.

By my side.

And it's my fault I know. Many things changed and so many things happened.

"I'm going to leave you then? I still have work to do." Said Kai.

"Go on, take care. I'll stay here." I said and nodded at him.

"Stop crying now okay? I just saw you listened to her voice massage. It will be okay. I am here Jennie. Goodbye and take care okay?" Kai said and he left me.

He walked out the door of the ice cream parlour until my vision can't see him anymore.

"Unnie/Jennie!" My thoughts snapped when Chaeyoung and Irene showed up.

"Unnie I thought you're missing. You made me worried about you." Rosie pouted.

"You're here again at the ice cream parlour. Still waiting for her huh?" Irene gave me a hopeful smile. "By the way is that Kai?"

"I'm not expecting that she'll come back to me but at least she should have gave me any hint that she's still alive." I said sadly. "Yeah that's Kai by the way."

"Why is he here? Are you two still dating?" Irene asked me.

"Not anymore, but he's courting me. He clearly caught feelings for me and it's my fault. But I already told him that I don't really have feelings for him but his very persistent so I let him since he said that he wouldn't expect anything in return."

"Ohhh. That's why." Irene said. "But what about Lisa?"

"What about her?" I said. "I don't even know if she's coming back but to be honest I'm still waiting for her."

"Hey! Let's just say that even if she's gone you know that we're still her for you. Right?" Irene sat beside me and patted my back while Chaeyoung took a seat opposite of mine.

"Or maybe you should try to move on from Lisa. You know it hurts to expect something from someone." Irene said again.

I nodded and smile weakly.

"Let's go now outside, the parlour is about to close and we don't want to be trap inside, aren't we?" Chipmunk said and lead the way outside.

"Why don't we go to mall for a little while." Suggest Chaeyoung. "And I'm with my daughter by the way. She's at my car. I left her there because she doesn't want to go outside. She kinda you know hate people outside. She's always saying they're gross."

Me and Irene laughed.

"Right it's a good idea." Said Irene excitedly. "Let us pampered your 3 year old baby."


I really needed now to move on from you. I really need let you go.

To be free.

Maybe you're really on your own paradise now enjoying your another life.

I'm sad.

Because you didn't give me a chance to apologise to you.

I guess I need to say goodbye.




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