Chapter 32

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They stared at each other as if time had ceased to exist. A water droplet running down the side of Tarquin's pale face was the only indication the sands of time were still cascading down the hourglass. After an obvious intake of breath Jza dropped her gaze to her sodden boots. She could not win against the power of the man's eyes.

There was a sudden tremor of fear that agitated her heart. It was perhaps her own bold behaviour just moments ago but, no, it was another entity completely. She did not regret the decision but instead felt herself lacking the virtues he insisted he could see in her. What if she stumbled over an important matter in the future and the statue of perfection broke to tiny unmendable pieces.

"Am I dreaming? Is it you that stands before me or will you melt into the atmosphere like a figment of my imagination," Tarquin's voice of hushed awe brought her back to the present.

"You just touched me. Is that not proof enough?" Jza asked quietly. She paused the gnawing of her own lip when she found the taste of his mouth still lingered.

"Maybe my mind is addled beyond repair. Maybe I died at the castle and mother is right, that we are on the blessed plane. But I doubt the deity would give me everything I ever wanted in the afterlife."

Jza took his damp hand in hers and brought Tarquin closer with a light tug. He complied without any resistance, letting her lead him towards her.

"Does this feel real?" She asked bringing their joined hands upwards. His fingers skimmed over her hand before delicately touching it to his slightly rough cheek. He then pressed her smaller hand against his lips and gave it a sweet kiss. Jza could feel his smile against the back of her hand. She couldn't help but smile in return.

"You often dreamt about me? Is this the cause for confusion?" The Princess blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Perhaps. Although it was more nightmare than a pleasant dream," The Lord answered with unexpected gravitas. He did not let go of her hand.

"My dream self was judgemental, wasn't she?" Jza quipped half-heartedly.

"Quite. Although the dreams ceased in frequency when I slept in the same room as you. I had expected the opposite."

"Do tell me you never watched me sleep. I would rescind my offer right here if you even hint of such tomfoolery," Jza asked a presiding question in her mind. After knowing the depth of his emotions she had begun to recall many of their interactions differently.

"Never. I could not inflict myself such torture. Why would one stare at something one could never have. I had thought you would be easy to seduce early on but I was wrong. Nothing I did made you remove the distance," Tarquin replied truthfully.

"And here you have me," The Princess gave an awkward sort of body gesture that seemed to give Tarquin much amusement.

"You changed your mind faster than I thought you would. I thought you have pity on me when I had one foot in the grave."

"I fought with myself for far longer than you think. If you've set me as some paragon virtue than cease that at once. I deserve no such platitudes. I never thought you were ugly," Jza explained hoping he understood she was just human.

"Yes, that explains all the staring," Tarquin teased.

"I am not the pervert you are so intent on making me," Jza blurted and removed her hand from his swiftly.

"You did proposition me while I am undressed," The Lord unconsciously took a stance that flattered his physique. The corded band of muscle was highlighted by the faint light coming from the windows.

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