Three Eccentric States of Germanic Genes

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Ode to Joy drifted through the room as the boy's, who they assumed was a state, fingers dancing across the keys with movements that resembled an eagle flying through the cerulean sky. His head was down most likely in concentration as it seemed like he didn't even realize that the Americans' guests had arrived. His shoulders weren't tense in fact they were rather relaxed as if he was simply speaking to a close friend. Maybe he was. He didn't seem to breathe though. It was almost like he was hypnotized by his own music. Relaxed but hypnotized. 

The countries just watched, not breathing either as they just watched as he sped up. He continued to play the music but now it no longer to be Beethoven. No. He was playing something entirely different now. sure there were similarities, but this was something clearly different and something clearly the boy's own. Sweat was starting to appear on the back of his neck. His fingers continued to race across the keys as the music drifted around from the instrument until he gave one last note in major then to minor and then done. 

Heavy breathing was all that was heard. The countries had even registered this though. Not only had the music been beautiful but it was probably a state who played it. They had assumed that if the state played any music, it would be that pop fluff they hear on the radio or something annoying like country, but this boy had just stopped their breath playing the piano. It was odd to say the least. 

However, America wasn't surprised instead he happily clapped for the state and said, "Good one, Penn!" 

The boy whipped around. The boy was taller than Delaware at about 5'5 with a lighter blonde hair than America with bangs slicked to the side. He also had very pale skin that resembled Prussia's. Actually, he very much resembled Prussia in terms of facial shape but instead of red-violet eyes, he had deep blue eyes that looked like a mix of Germany and America's. On his body, he wore a black three-piece suit with a bright red vest with silver-colored buttons and a black bow tie. His attire was a bit odd since it was Spring in Virginia but nobody wanted to point this out in case his gun-obsessed dad would point his shotgun on him.

"Thanks, dad," the boy said before turning to the gaping countries. "Are they okay? They look like they just saw their grandma in her knickers." 

America turned over to the countries before shrugging to his son before turning back to the other countries. "Hey! Are you guys dead or something?" 

This caused the countries to compose themselves. However, they didn't speak. They didn't know how he would respond. This was rather weird. Who was this kid? They assumed maybe one of the older ones since he was about 17 or 18 so probably one of the thirteen. Hopefully not the ones Delaware had mentioned a few minutes ago or England better start running. 

Germany just couldn't stop staring. This couldn't stop staring. This boy could be a dead ringer for one of his brothers. Bavaria maybe? No. He did, however, resemble him and Prussia quite a bit, hopefully, without his attitude. God knows they don't need two walking around. I don't think the world could take that if it were the truth. 

"Penn, meet our guests," America grumbled though he tried to hide behind an obviously fake smile. 

The boy put on a large smile before turning to the nations, "Hi! I'm the best, greatest, and most awesome out of the thirteen basically all the states in general," Oh, God he was like Prussia, "Benjamin Jones or the State of Pennsylvania. Nice to meet you all," he told as he walked over the countries. The first to break the trance was Germany who put out his hand and said, "I'm Germany a country in the middle of-" before he was able to finish his sentence, he was wrapped in a back-breaking hug by the state.

"No need to be so formal! We're practically family," Pennsylvania said as Germany couldn't breathe but through his foggy mind he could sort of process the family part of what he said and that just didn't make sense. They never met and he was American, not German, so what the heck?

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