Chapter 11

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"I'm sorry about making you uncomfortable," the woman addressed Dean as she watched Castiel as he talked with Sam. "It truly wasn't my intention."

Dean looked at her a moment before shaking his head and smiling while waving his hand away gently.

"Don't worry about it, lady. I've seen some weird crap in my life, that doesn't even hit the top five," he chuckled as he got up and grabbed a beer from the bag he brought home with him.

"It really is a delicious burger," she said, sinking her teeth into it once more, the squishiness of the meat and the grease that dribbled a little from the corner of her pinkened lips made Dean swallow hard but he grinned at the woman.

"Yeah, you're just lucky that baby made it home in one piece. Food doesn't stay intact very long when Dean Winchester is around," he joked. The woman wrapped up what was left of the burger from her two bites and offered it to Dean, who looked at it questioningly.

"Take it, please," she offered him. He shook his head but she continued.

"I find I cannot eat more than a bite or two of human food without feeling uncomfortable. I insist. I wouldn't want it to spoil. Just, do me a favor? Take a knife and cut off the area I had eaten from?" Her violet eyes found Dean's emerald ones and begged him to listen to her. "It's not safe to even share food or utensils with me, I don't think."

"Yeah... sure," Dean answered. She smiled brightly and rolled up the bag as Dean tucked the burger away to be stashed into his private fridge in his room. No food would spoil ever if he had his way, he thought to himself with a chuckle.

The woman stood when Sam and Cass came back into the lobby, and looked to Sam.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concern causing Dean to turn himself in his chair to gaze upon his younger brother as Sam nodded and smiled with not a small amount of embarrassment. The woman smiled back and looked at all three of the men in the room.

"Well, good night. I find myself pretty fatigued from the day's events and will be in my quarters if anyone should need to find me," her eyes passed over the three sets that stared back at her before turning into the hallway and finding her room, shutting the door softly behind her.

Dean stretched and stood from his seat after the woman left.

"Alright, Sam, we let you know what we found, how about letting us know what you found out while you were playing drunk karaoke?"

"Dean, we weren't drunk," Sam insisted. Dean shrugged his shoulders.

"You know what I mean. Any clue who the bastard was that kidnapped her or anything? Maybe about any powers she may be hiding before they come in any new fun surprises?" Dean shuddered in his leather coat once again at the thought of her mortifying cow story.

"No," Sam said softly.

"We have Crowley looking for his minion that kidnapped her in the first place, as long as the bastard is still kickin' we have a fighting chance to get her necklace back and reunited with her mother before she rips apart the freakin' world," Dean said.

"What was her mother's name again?" Sam asked, opening his laptop.

"Hausos," answered Cass, speaking over Dean's attempts at answering Sam, who typed away at his keyboard for what seemed like hours before looking up at the other two.

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