Chapter 14

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After I pulled out the stunt of calling Gautham 'Pati Parameshwar' last Friday, things have been going on very smoothly in my life.

I had been receiving constant pick-up lines through messages from Gautham and the idiot just won't stop.

Today I'll be heading for a coffee date with him on my way home from office.Though I am excited for the date, I'm a little pissed off about the fact that I had to take an auto rickshaw just so that Gautham would drop me home. He just wouldn't listen inspite of me insisting that I can ride my scooty back home.

So, I finally manage to flag down an auto and tell him the landmark we are supposed to reach. He charges a little too much for it, but eventually I cave in, since it was getting late.

Once I reach the coffee shop, I walk inside and try to spot Gautham. However all my attempts end up in vain. I dial up Gautham immediately.

"Hey, where are you?" I ask him, without bothering with a greeting.

"No 'Pati Parameshwar' this time, huh?" He teases me. His comment immediately makes my cheeks redden. But I make sure that it doesn't reflect in my tone this time.

"Where are you, Gautham?" I ask him, my tone a little stern this time.

"Okay okay. I am caught up in a little something. I'll be there soon. Why don't you get yourself something to eat until I come?" He asks me. I immediately hang up.

Idiot. First, he asks me not to ride my scooty. Now, he doesn't even come to the coffee shop on time. The waiter arrives and places a menu card in front of me.

I already knew what I was going to order. "Two cold coffees, please." I inform the waiter. Gautham likes them. It was the same thing he ordered the last time the both of us went out.

I flip through the pages of the menu card not knowing what else to do. I was starting to grow bored and the doofus had not yet arrived. I suddenly hear a bike honking by the side of the window next to me. I turn to face a sheepish looking Gautham waving. I shoot him a pissed off look and turn away, irritated.

I cannot stand people who are not punctual.

It only takes a few more moments for Gautham to walk inside and stand in front of me.

"Hey, Neha!" He shouts, excitedly.

I don't even respond to him. Let's see what ropes he pulls to convince me. I'm actually not mad at him. I was just a little pissed off about having to spend time in my own company.

"Neha, look at me. " He tells me. I turn to look at him, standing in front of me, folding his hands in the back. I turn away again.

He pulls the chair opposite to me and sits down. I turn to face the window.

"Aww, you look cute when you are angry." He remarks, leaving me blushing.

"Ooh, someone's blushing." He teases me again. I feel my cheeks heating up and I place my hands upon them so that he doesn't enjoy my reaction.

"Okay, I won't tease you." He informs me. " Just look at me."

I turn to look at him. However it was a big mistake on my part because the second my eyes turn towards him, he blows me a kiss. My eyes go wide and this time it's not just my  cheeks that my hands cover, it's my entire face. He finds my reaction really amusing. I hear him chuckle.

"Neha!" His voice sounds a little breathless this time and I turn to face him.

"What now?"

"I love you, biwi." He tells me like it's no big deal. On the other hand, I am trying really hard to control my racing heart and the beats it had been skipping.

"You know what, you might as well shout it to the entire world." I tell him, just so that he doesn't get the satisfaction of enjoying my reaction.

"Sounds good to me." And before I could suspect what is happening, he gets on one knee, the entire people there look at the two of us.

For the first time in the evening, I notice what he's been holding for so long - a bouquet of roses.

"I love you, Neha." He announced it really loud this time around.

"Get up, Gautham. Everyone is looking at us. " I tell him, really embarrassed.

"The entire point. " He winks before he does something even more unpredictable. He pulls out a ring.

"Marry me?" He asks a question he already knows the answer to.

"I am already wearing your ring in my finger, you idiot." I facepalm.

"Say yes." The other people in the coffee shop start chanting in unison.

"Yes." I tell out loud. "Now get up." I whisper shout in such a way that only he can hear.

He gets up and sits across me but not before slipping the ring in one of my fingers. I inspect it closely and notice that it has Neha and Gautham engraved in it with a heart shape between the two of our names.

I beam, adorning it.

"So, she's the gold digger you are after, now?" I heard a loud, irritating voice from somewhere near me.

I turn to face a woman who looked pretty but definitely she had a look in her face  that exhibited that she thinks she was above everyone else.

"I'm sorry. You are?" I ask her, as politely as I could.

"Oh, Gautham didn't tell you about me, then?" She asks me, feeling smug with herself. I look at Gautham who looked helpless.

"I am Sonakshi." She tells me, smirking.

"The ex-girlfriend I told you about, Neha." Gautham finally clarifies, looking like he would rather be any where else.


That's all it takes for a perfect, romantic evening to come tumbling down.

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