Chapter 03 "I'm the Big Miss of the Bai House"

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"Sweetie, do you believe those people from the Bai House are qualified to see you?" In this bustling street, Bai Yan stood there unmoving, her gaze pouring down at her son's tender little face.

"Aside from Uncle, there are no others eligible to meet me." Pricking his brow, Bai Xiachen makes a face unbefitting of his young age.

"Then isn't that fine then? Mother will find a chance to bring your uncle to you. Before then, don't let those from the Bai House find you."

No matter how uncharacteristically mature Bai Xiachen was, everyone over the years have kept the boy under careful protection with enormous amount of love, never have he experienced any injustice. Therefore, Bai Yan didn't want her son to defile his young little ears with those filthy words from those people.

"Then we will pinky swear on it, Mother must bring Uncle to find me and not trick me just because I'm young." Sticking out his pinky in anticipation, he immediately causes Bai Yan to go dark in the face.

Young age? Trick him just because he's a five-year-old? There's no delusion in this mother's mind that her son can never be tricked, only her son doing the tricking.

"Okay, we will pinky swear." No matter what her heart thought, Bai Yan can only do as the boy wished to get things her way, "Now you should believe me right?"

Showing an innocent smile: "Mother, where is the house you prepared for me? I'm saying this now, I won't live there unless the environment is as good as our island back in the Holy Land."

Making an ambiguous mumble to get by, Bai Yan explains: "While we are outside, its best you not expect too much. If you demand too highly then I will be forced to send you back immediately."

Even the palace of the kingdom cannot compare to the Holy Land, let alone some random mansion. And now he still wants an environment exactly the same as their cabin on the island? Is her son still asleep, or daydreaming?

"Mommy, I know I'm wrong then, please don't send me back. If a big beauty like you is not on the island then I will go crazy facing only those old faces. But Mother, you must remember to come back and cook for me, otherwise I will starve to death."

Cuddling in the boy's arm, Little Rice raises his head and makes a low roar as if pandering to Bai Xiachen's pleading claim.

Due to being instructed by Bai Yan that he can't speak human tongue while in front of the public, the white tiger can only use this primitive method to express his meaning.

"I have already found you a cook." She pats the boy's head, "and, you are not to be picky in your food."

Making an indignant face, Bai Xiachen lowers his head and mumbled, how can those food from the cooks compare to mother's food?

As unwilling as he was, the young boy knew better than to raise an objection, otherwise he will really be sent back alone!

Inside the Liu Huo Kingdom, the residence of the Bai House would of course be located in the most prosperous East Street of the city since they are after all one of the four big noble houses.

As it so happens to be, the house Bai Yan found for her son wasn't all that far from the Bai residence. But in comparison, it's quieter and the atmosphere had more of a noble air to the outside.

"Mother, although this house is inferior to the island inside the Holy Land, it's still way better then the Bai House's place."

Due to passing by the Bai residence on their way here, Bai Yan had taken the opportunity to point out the mansion belonging to that family, hence the reason why the boy was so happy now that he knew his home was much better.

Humph! That's what they get for bullying mother!

"Sweetie, this is here not the Holy Land so you mustn't take advantage of my absence and run off to make trouble. Do you understand my meaning?" Bai Yan sternly asks this, making sure to emphasize her point by patting the boy on the shoulder.

Bai Xiachen blinked at the request: "But what if someone bullies me?"

"Then you can beat them, beat them until they are dead!" Bai Yan pricks her brow, apparently forgetting her own lesson just moments ago. "If you kill them in the end then you got mommy here to back you up, and you still have your grandshifus back at the Holy Land to rely on!"

Who dares to bully her Bai Yan's son?

A flicker of light filled the boy's eye for he's relieved to hear those words.

In his interpretation, he's only restricted to actively meet the members of the Bai House, never did she say he can't take the initiative to make trouble for them.

If I don't give those evildoers a taste of my POWAS then I'm not Ba Xiachen!

"Mommy, I will be in the house waiting for you to come back. You mustn't forget me just because you found Uncle." Bai Xiachen pulls at her sleeve, his face pitifully sad.

Going dark in the face, Bai Yan thought, is my memory so bad that I would forget my own child?

"Mommy, your memory is universally recognized as bad." With only a glance, he could already guess what's on her mother's mind, "you could even forget my father so it's not unthinkable that you will suddenly one day forget me too."

Giving her son a hard knock on the head, Bai Yan ignores the last comment: "Don't spend so much of your time fiddling about these minor details. Little Rice, you watch him."

This wasn't the first time she had left her son alone before. Back when they were living in the Holy Land, Bai Yan had periodically departed by herself to cultivate her own powers and influences out in the world. However, this time's different from the past, they are out here. There's a clear distinction between the two so of course Bai Yan would be worried.

In her eyes, she would rather trust a white tigerling than to trust her own son to behave.

Making a woohing sound to confirm the order, Little Rice then pats his furry chest to make a confident gesture.

With everything set, Bai Yan departed by herself, leaving the two youngsters alone in the manor.

"Little Rice." A shred of yearning filled Bai Xiachen's gaze as he watched the disappearing back of his mother: "Uncle will like me when I'm this handsome right? I say, what if I bring Uncle some gift, would that be better? If anything, I can share half of the Dan pill snacks Mother made us."

He hasn't a clue regarding the precious value of the snacks in his possession, but Bai Xiachen do know his grandshifus would often fight among themselves just to get a single one when possible.

Rolling his tiger eyes, Little Rice jumped out of the boy's arm and found a warm place for himself to bath in the sun.


After so many years, the Bai manor in which she fled from remains the same.

Standing there, the memories from back then floods back to her like a wave. "Six years, and I'm finally back here again..." Bai Yan murmurs.

Whatever they owe me, I will make them pay me back in full and more!

"Who are you?" The guard standing at the door showed astonishment at first, then replaced it with disdain: "This here is the Bai House, not just anyone can go in, especially a dirty woman like you!"

What's that saying again, ah yes, a dog looking down on others!

That sort of saying was the perfect match for this snobbish guard here.

No wait, calling this man a dog was an insult to such an animal known to be loyal.

"I am the first miss of the Bai House." Her tone slightly cold, "you say, am I qualified to go in?"

First miss of the Bai House? Then that means this woman in red is the same girl who got pregnant and then eloped with another man?

"You think I will believe you just believe you say you are the first miss of the Bai House?" The guard quickly recomposed himself and started to laugh mockingly, "If you can't come up with proof then scram!"

Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning the Heavens!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon