A sleep-less Night

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The D-Day it is. Happy Birthday Mitu Di. Mitalchauhan8 I'm hoping that when you're reading this note of mine you're in the middle of having the best time of your life (and decide to sneak in a little time for reading this) I hope that you have the best time of your life today. I hope that you constantly have a beautiful smile etched on your face and may the heavens above shower you with all the love and blessings of theirs.

A very happy birthday once again Di.

Now I'm leaving you alone to read this shot.

So enjoy.

It hadn't even been seconds, Arnav had shut his eyes to grab some sleep, When he heard the door of his room opening.

"It was definitely past midnight" He frowned, as he felt the bed dip at his side.


Arnav turned to his side, facing the girl who had slipped in his bed. Arnav's frown intensified.

What was Khushi doing in his room, in his bed at this hour of the night?

Hadn't Nani and Di forbade them to meet until and unless the two of them were married?

But his questions lay forgotten in the back of his mind as he heard her groaning as she attempted to move into a comfortable position in his bed.

"What's wrong?" Arnav asked in a whisper, his hand reaching for her face.

"I couldn't sleep" Khushi replied in an unusually low voice. The light from his bedside lamp illuminating her face enough for him to figure out the cause of her untimely visit to his room.


"Come here" Arnav pulled her into his arms "Did you take your medicines?"

Khushi nodded weakly, snuggling more into his chest

"It doesn't help" She complained.

Arnav sighed, Knowing all too well that she was right. Her fever had two extreme opposite effects for her, Either, She fell unconscious burning in high fever, or she failed to get even a wink of sleep throughout the night and the many days to follow, resulting in migraines and headaches for the next two weeks, Which in turn resulted in his butterfly becoming a little grumpy five year old.

Arnav chuckled internally, dropping a kiss in her hair.

He had to distract her and make her fall asleep, Arnav thought taking a quick note of her pulse.

"How did you escape your two personal bodyguards?" Arnav asked.

"Nani and Di are both asleep, I didn't have to do anything." Khushi said smiling.

Arnav smiled back affectionately. He still couldn't believe his luck, He could never figure out how and why he was bestowed with such a blessing in the disguise of his Khushi.

His angel.

Arnav Singh Raizada was a handsome man with a stone heart, A ruthless businessman who claimed to write his own destiny. With a past so painful, betrayal of his family still fresh in his heart and mind it was a little too difficult to not turn into an emotionless manipulative jerk with no regard to people's feelings and emotions.

But it changed, All of it changed when Arnav had least expected it to change.

Standing in the compound of his childhood home and ancestral property Arnav's emotions were all over the place, With the memories of his perfect childhood flooding his mind, along with those of the dark night of his parents' death. Arnav couldn't have foreseen the storm that was going to hit him in a matter of minutes.

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