Chapter 21 - The Memories

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Sunday, October 28th

     Jesse woke up to an empty bed, with the shower running in the background. It caused him to sigh, then smile and roll his eyes. Loek was a morning person, and Jesse wasn't sure if he was ever going to get used to that while he lived with him.

He decided on staying in bed until Loek reappeared fresh and awake with just a towel around his waist. He was humming a song, and because Jesse stayed still in bed, he didn't notice the boy was awake and observing him.

He followed Loek while he walked over to his closet, retrieved clothes, and dropped them on the empty side of the bed. It was then that Jesse turned around, enabling him to follow Loek, who smiled as soon as he noticed Jesse was awake.

"Morning," he greeted him cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, why are you always up so early?" Jesse asked, rolling over so that he was on top of Loek's clothes. "You don't like cuddling, do you?"

"Oh..." Loek replied sheepishly. "I do, I just didn't take you for a cuddler."

"I wouldn't mind waking up in bed with you still in it for once."

"Is that so?" Loek raised one eyebrow, and the corner of his lips curled up, making him look cheeky again.

Jesse nodded, threw the clothes on the floor and pulled Loek onto the bed by his towel. "Get back in bed, it's way too early."

"Actually, it's nearly noon, but okay," Loek answered, pulling the covers up to get back in bed with Jesse. They snuggled up together, Jesse being the little spoon. He didn't mind, at all.

If he was being honest, he felt great in Loek's arms. He was still glowing after their nightly activities. Which made him wonder, was he actually falling in love with Loek? Nobody had ever made him feel as good as Loek did. Not even Calix, who couldn't return his feelings and automatically hurt him whenever they were together. Not that Calix wanted it, but it was the truth.

"I've been thinking," Loek said, kissing Jesse's shoulder shortly. "And I might cross a line here. If I do, please tell me it's none of my business..." he drawled, sounding hesitant.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Well, more... wondering than thinking," Loek whispered with his lips close to Jesse's ear. "Last night, when I..."

Jesse felt Loek taking in a deep breath, and he bit his lip, wondering what Loek wanted to talk about, and why he was as hesitant as he seemed.

"You wanted to switch."

"Yes..." Jesse mumbled, not liking where the conversation was going.

"Why... I mean... Did I do something wrong?"

"What?" Jesse exclaimed surprised. He had expected Loek to ask why, not if he had done something wrong. "No." He shook his head, though most of his movements were weakened by the pillow. "It wasn't you."

"Okay," Loek answered, breathing out in relief. "So, why..."

There was the question Jesse dreaded.

"No," was his firm reply. "Can we not talk about this, seriously?"

"Oh, okay," Loek's reply screamed worry, and Jesse hated that he sounded disappointed as well. But Jesse wasn't going to tell him his first and only experience as a bottom had been one hell of an amateuristic and embarrassing attempt at sex.

He couldn't even call it sex.

And he really didn't want to be reminded of the fact that he had to go home in the middle of the night, barely able to sit down on his bike—he walked most of the way—and hide from his family for a few days.

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