Body Systems

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               Because I am an FBI agent, I have a lot of stressful work to do so my ten main systems are always working. Between taking weapon lessons and avoiding the criminals, I am always sweating. Sweating is part of the nervous system, the sweat glands release sweat and the follicles expand to let the sweat out and cool the body down.  When I'm traveling through Alaska in the dead of winter, my veins streamline and go deeper into my body to conserve heat, my hair follicles tighten to keep my body temperature 98.2 f.

 My Nervous System can also betray me when faced with a lie detector. As my brain prepares for fight or flight, my heart rate rises and my sweat glands activate, preparing for my body temperature to rise in the chance of a fight. If I keep my mind calm, I can resist the fight or flight urge. Studies say that once you get used to being in an environment where your nervous system wants to kick in, your nervous system can neutralize. Your body has many ways to protect itself,one of those ways is your nervous system. When some people  see, snakes,  they freak out because their nerves system is recognizing a threat. For some people it is feet, others it's spiders.    All of these things can be legitimate threats to your immune system.

 Another Body System is the hormonal system. My legs and arms get longer, making me misjudge their size. This makes my hand-eye co-ordination deteriorate.  My circulatory system helps me survive because when I get shot or cut, my blood clots saving me from bleeding to death, the circulatory system contains your heart and your veins. I hate my digestive system, but it is necessary to survival. It is essentially your body's janitor. Unfortunately, it is designed to make you find a bathroom every like, ten minutes. The hormonal system is directly related to the reproductive system because it sends growth hormones, and hormones that make a child into an adult. They also cause girls and boys to look at people in a more romantic way. 

The reproduction system is the system that keeps the human population alive. Between reproducing cells and reproducing humans, it does the most work. Reproducing cells is called mitosis, it is an amazing feat that the human body manages to achieve ever single day.

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