The dungeon was BULLSHIT

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After hours of reading books and having the occasional old lady offer me butterscotch as a reward for being " the only youngster that understands real literature." Of course I declined.

'Good thing I've been saying no, candy gives me worse results than Taco Bell.'

Vega: I cannot begin to fathom how disgusting Halloween is for you dude. Yugh!

'If Hell doesn't give me PTSD my asshole will. Also thanks to whoever commented about HDoom. I'll never see cyberdemons the same again. I'll need viagra to get that on.'

Vega: I did research on that and stopped at 1.345% progress. Good thing I did too. What is our next plan of action.

'From What I read is that this place has gods, a dungeon, and familias. Adventurers head into the dungeon for fame, glory, or money. My bet is that in the deepest caverns of said dungeon will contain Hell portals or will soon.'

Vega: I do agree. Those little dipshits love darkness. They'll most send out those little bitchy Ninja impersonators.

'Yeah, they'll send scouts as imps. So we should go sign up. Apparently anyone of age can be an adventurer but it's recommended that we have a familia. I'm not joining one since I've killed atleast 5 gods and taken their power. So lets head out.'

I leave the library with the last old lady wishing me luck and to return. Walking through the streets I get stares some of lust others of fear but majority directed to my groinal region.

'They May have gods, but there nothing compared to my train engine.'

I finally make it to a building bustling with people. When I entered even when I tried my best to open the door normally, I got stares from all around me.

I walk up to a counter while being stared at and a oceans of intimidation covers me. I get the attention of who I assume to be an employee.

Vega: Ay, I'm here to register as an adventurer.

A few stares left me as Vega said that.

???: Oh yes, of course I can assist you in that. My name is Eina.

Vega: I'm Donathen Poel.

'I'll roll with that name till I remember my real one. I believe it's in WW2 history.'

Eina: Hello Donathen. I'll get the papers ready, do you have a familia?

Vega: Actually no I don't.

Eina: I highly recommend you get one. But if not you can enter the dungeon you've been registered.

Vega: Alright Thanks.

I walk to the dungeon. When I get I was followed by a few curious people, mainly chicks though.

'This looks a lot like Italy now. Well, after a Baron punched it into being straight.'

Vega: I do agree, now let us move.

I walk through to the entrance getting lots of stares from many people. I saw fear, curiosity, and some straight ran away. I heard a sigh of relief from everyone as I left into the dungeon.


'This, FUCKING, SUCKS! I've been slaughtering for hours only to make it to the 5th fucking level. There's no fucking challenge at all.'

Is it wrong to be a fucking terrifying demon killer in a dungeon?Where stories live. Discover now