A Little TLC

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AN: I know most of you must have read this story in the group account, but for those who have not, I have posted it here as well. Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment. 


"You are not coming home tonight either?" Tul sighed in annoyance as he ran his fingers through his hair. This was the third night and Max will be away, shooting for latest Bangkok Rak Stories series called the Innocence. Don't get him wrong, Tul was very happy that Max was bagging individual projects now. He was so proud of his man. But the fact that they were away from each other the entire day and sometimes even nights was frustrating. Not to mention that Tul's jealous side would peak out every now and then when promo photos and videos of Max were released on social media every couple of days. Max was playing the character of a gym instructor and as the role demanded, Max had been working out diligently and also boasted a spectacular body. A body that the female lead, Max's client, is allowed to touch and feel under her fingers! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!


"Yeah. I'm here.." Tul was disheartened and Max could feel it. Max smiled at how caring and adorable his lover was. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"P'Tul, I am coming home tonight."

"You are?"

"Yeah, of course. I just...I won't make dinner.."

Tul's frown deepened and he growled into the phone. Max will be missing dinner, which means he will either eat some fried junk or gobble up ice-cream. The cold dessert has been Max's go-to food ever since Tul has known him. Max can live off it for days. You see Max is an extremely picky eater and he usually avoids eating anything unfamiliar or from new places. Tul didn't say anything though. He just let out a frustrated snort and 'hmmed'.

"Please Pii, don't be like that. I will try to be home as soon as possible, I promise and I don't have a shoot until late afternoon tomorrow, so.. Pii, please don't wait up for me, ok. I will see tonight?"

"Hmm, okay."

"Oh Pii..I lo.."

"Don't say it!"

"What? But why? Pii..come on..?"

"I'm angry at you. I won't let you do your thing..and ..and melt me. Not anytime soon at least."

"But Piii.." Max whined, even as he smiled. He could see Tul huffing poutily, as he tried to decide if he should be angry or sympathetic towards Max.

"Don't you dare 'Pii' me Max Nattapol. Mark my words, if you are not home and in our bed by 1:00 am tonight, I will drag you out from whatever studio you are in and all producers be damned!"

Max shook his head and chuckled as he heard the beeping sound at the other end, indicating that Tul had ended the call. The young muscular man had no intention of staying out tonight. He missed his lover too much, but more importantly he had no intention of being at the end of Tul's wrath.


Tul had been lying in the bed reading some random book as he knew he wouldn't fall asleep so soon. He didn't exactly want to stay up for Max to come home, but it was a habit that he couldn't break. Tul too had had a hectic day, working on a photoshoot that had taken him to three separate locations all at least a couple of hours drive away. He and his team had started work at dawn and it was almost nine when he gotten home. Needless to say, Tul too was tired and the fact that Max had not been home hadn't helped. Tul sighed as he realized he was too tired to make out the words in the book. He chucked the book aside, tried to relax by just laying down, closing his eyes and concentrating on his breathing. Some Yoga technique he learnt when he was going through a period of sleep deprivation.

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