we dont mix

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everything you have
and everything you are
is just the most incredible mess
of chromosomes, dna, atoms
and all that shit i don't understand.
you are an incredible gift to everyone
who gets to be in your presence and
you don't even realize that.

i could make some other jokes
about sex and it having to do with
science and,
"i couldve sworn we had chemistry"
with a little smirk but i'm not going to.
because none of that's true.
we don't have chemistry.
you have chemistry with other people
and i have phsycology across the hall.

you see, i think and try to interpret
what's going on in your head when
you say you're having a chemical
reaction with someone who is
dissolving your fucking
iridescent smile.

and while you're studying reactions
i'm looking at you across the hallway
seeing the colours fade and change
into different ones.

you think your light shines brighter
when you're around certain people
but it doesn't.
i know when it really shines,
it shines the brightest when you
mix alcohol to create a new substance
which makes you giggle
and feel loose.

i've seen your smile fade and
glow in many different ways,
you just have to learn to quit
mixing your chemicals with
someone else's toxins and change
your perspective on yourself.
adjust the angle, figure your shit
out before you add yourself to
create an explosive.

The Rose and Her Thorns Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang