Thank You!

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I can't believe that this is the end of Fluke! Wow, it's been almost ten months since we started this journey, and here we are. I never really know what to say during these, so I'll just start with the obvious one. Thank you so much for commenting and voting, but most of all, thank you for reading. Success isn't measured in numbers, but rather in joy, and although I wanted to rip my hair out while writing this sometimes, I guess I secretly hoped I would make at least one person happy with the book. But don't tell anyone. I'm supposed to be an independent, rebellious bitch.

There are a few side stories I'd like to tell too. First, everyone in this book was inspired by someone I know in real life, especially Darrell and Jia. But don't worry, the real "Darrell" isn't a jerk like in the book. Their rivalry was fun and good-natured. Second, the expensive drone falling to its death in the ocean also happened, but the difference was that it was actually too sunny to see. It was very sad, and I may have shed a tear. Third, when I first started this book, I thought that Reagan and Logan weren't going to end well, but I ended up liking them together too much. I've hurt myself before with writing couples that don't work out, and I was going to lose my shit if I did it again. So that's that.

Like always, I'd love to hear your feedback as well. What did you like about the book? 

What didn't you care for?

What do you think could be improved or removed?

What do you wish was in the book that wasn't there?

I do have a bonus scene planned with the whole gang after Paradise City, so I'll post that when I finish it, but for now, I just want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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