I can't lose you

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-Bran pov-

We were leaving my home, Winterfell. All because of Theon Greyjoy.

I can't believe that he's done this to me.

He killed Maester Luwin.

Osha was carrying a sleeping Rickon, while Hodor was pulling me in my wheelbarrow. Snow, Summer and Shaggy dog were walking along side us, occasionally pouncing one another.

My eyes were feeling heavy, but I fought the sleep. Forcing my eyes open.

"Go to sleep Little Lord. You need your rest." Osha said.

I sigh and nod. "Good night Osha."

She smiles slightly. "Good night Little Lord."

And with that, I fall asleep.


I open my eyes and see that I'm in a forest. And like always, I can actually walk. I talk a step forward and look around the woods. I hear a snap, and see someone with Brown hair running away.

YN flashes in my mind and I chase after the girl.

"Wait!" I call out.

I get hit in the face by a thick branch, and fall flat on my back.

I groan and slowly sit up.

"YN, you need to be careful. You can't run away from us, or else you'll get separated. We don't want to lose you on accident." A female voice says.

I stand up, and slowly walk towards the voices

"I know Meera, but I want to find Bran fast. We need to find him, and get him North of the wall..... Meera, I get the feeling like something bad is going to happen. Not now, not soon, but sometime during our travels.... I get the feeling that one of us might not make it all the way." A familiar voice says.

"YN, you worry to much. We'll be fine, we will get North and once it's all done, we can become sisters." The female voice says.

'Sisters?' I mouth to myself.

"Come one, we should go and get Jojen before he gets lost." The voice continues.

I hear them walk away, and I walk forward and see their backs retreating into the forest.

"Meera, please don't tell Jojen. This needs to be a secret, between you and me." YN says.

Meera nods, and it all goes black.


I open my eyes and feel Osha shaking me.

"Finally awake Little Lord. Been trying to wake ya for a good few minutes." She says.

I look around and see that we made camp for the night. I sit up and see Hodor sleeping for the night against a tree. Rickon was curled up next to Shaggy dog and Snow. And Summer was laying next to me, his head on my lap.

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