Chapter Eleven

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The party was in full swing by the time we arrived and I felt slightly relieved. Being so far away from the mansion made it easier to breathe, and I knew the girls felt the same. Our guards were still up but we were less tense. We fucking escaped! I knew we could do it.

"I'm going to get us some drinks!" Novah yells over the blaring music. Sage nods her head as she looks at the sea of people and grimaces. Novah disappears, pushing her way through the crowd to the kitchen. I sigh in boredom as I thought about how I had to go through tonight completely sober.

Novah and Sage would drink until it was two hours before we decided to leave. Then I'd fill them with water and bread to get them to sober up. Then we'll drive to my apartment for a sleepover. Technically I was still allowed to get drunk, but I wanted to make sure no one was drunk driving tonight so I declined.

A party remix of 'Ric Flair Drip' starts to blast through the speakers of the temporary DJ booth across the living room. I squealed and walked onto the 'dance floor,' letting myself get swept away by the music. The hour flew past in a blur, and the flashing LED lights and exhaustion didn't help the disorientation. Not wanting to stop dancing just yet I scanned the sea of bodies for someone to dance with.
Finding no one particularly interesting I turned away and started to walk towards the kitchen for a snack.

My shoulder gets gently tapped and I whip around, my guard building up around me immediately. The familiar face of a boy I went to trade school with fills my vision and I gasp.

"Cameron?" I say, disbelief clouding my features as I look him up and down. It's only been a couple of months since I've last seen him how has he changed so much?

"Hey, Stell," Cameron says, grinning lopsidedly down at me. He was a few inches taller than me with sandy blonde hair that sometimes got in his eyes. I remember offering him headbands at the start of every class. He wore them with no compliments and even showed them off.

"Wanna dance with me?" I ask him, giving him a friendly smile. My guard had lowered a little bit Cameron since I saw him as a trusted friend.

He nodded his head and I allowed him to wrap his arms around my waist. We started to sway slowly, the music not matching our movements but we didn't care. I wasn't about to grind on him, that'd be embarrassing. This guy had seen me dressed up in welding gear while sweating like a pig. He heard me curse like a sailor and win a burping contest. I'd say grinding was off-limits but twerking? Now I'd do that.

Song after song played and we abandoned holding each other and started jumping around. The song that blared now was 'Love Galore' and we screamed the lyrics at each other eagerly. It didn't take long for the song to finish for exhaustion to creep upon us. Our chests were heaving rapidly as we stared into each other's eyes as we grinned like idiots.

"It was good seeing you" I breathed out, giving him a tight hug.

Cameron was such a good friend to me during class and I was lucky to have met him. However, I didn't know if I'd continue going to school. I had gotten the license I wanted and I was offered a job at a welding shop I liked.

"It was good seeing you too Stell. Text me sometime loser I miss hanging out with you" He pouts, and I laugh. 

"I will," I promise and I meant it, I refused to lose the new friendships I've made in America.

I stepped off the makeshift dance floor and decided to finally make my way to the kitchen to get a much-needed snack. I have to shove people out my way to get through the threshold and once there are no more hurdles in my way I march over to the fridge. I rummage around and find a package of cheese sticks and giggle mischievously to myself. I grab a cheese stick and hide the package for myself to find later.

I shut the fridge door and look around the dirty yet very big kitchen. There were few to no people spread out in the kitchen. Two girls were sitting on the counter next to the fridge talking amongst themselves. Their shoulders brushing each others occasionally.

A random boy laid next to a large rubbish bin placed right next to the back door. Green colored his skin as he looked drunk out of his mind. The kitchen was absolutely trashed with red plastic solo cups and empty beer bottles everywhere. I take a look at the bar counter that connected the kitchen and living room. It was being used to showcase the party's supply of alcoholic beverages and unused cups.

This place was a pigsty and it bothered me to a large extent. Frowning slightly I gathered as many bottles I could in my arms before dropping them into the rubbish bin. The boy drunkenly grumbled something before profusely throwing up into the rubbish bin.
I grimaced before looking away, he wasn't my problem to deal with.

I started to clean up the bar counter and as I did so people stumbled in for more drinks.

"I'm about to become the unofficial bartender of this party" I whisper to myself as I start pouring vodka in people's cups. Once the small line had disappeared I started pre-pouring cups ready for the next group of drunk partiers. It didn't take long for them to come in swarms like zombies. I happily provided the alcohol for them after they told me what they wanted.

I got a variety of drink requests and for the most part, I knew how to make what they wanted. Rum and coke, vodka and cranberry juice, vodka and orange juice, the ingredients were literally in the name. However, there'd occasionally be one request that I was totally confused on how to make it. So I said "fuck it" and mixed a couple of drinks together in hopes that it would taste similar enough.

Like this one, in particular, I had no clue what this drink even was so I winged it. I handed her the cup and silently prayed she wouldn't notice this wasn't the drink she asked for.

"Make sure you have a designated driver tonight" I warn her as she grabs the cup from my outstretched hand. She nods her head rapidly before handing me a $20 dollar bill before stumbling away.

"Sucker" I snicker, shoving the bill in my bra. Some people were so drunk they actually paid me to make their drinks. I, of course, wasn't about to decline money so I accepted the cash with no qualms. I check the time using the digital clock on the microwave. It was 1 in the morning and time to go find the girls I hadn't seen all night.

I quickly walk out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I have to stand on my tippy toes to search but I thankfully spotted the girls quickly. Sage was in a corner making funny faces at people and Novah was standing next to the DJ booth.

I make my way over to get Novah first, she looked close to falling down.

"Hey, Nov! Let's go get Sage" I shout over the blaring music. Novah pouts, whining out something but I couldn't hear her. She wobbles a bit before leaning all her weight on me.

"I don't wanna get sober" Novah grumbles into my shoulder and I roll my eyes.

"Suck it up you ninny," I say as I shove people out our way as we walk over to Sage. We finally reach her just as she was about to snatch somebody's weave.

"Sage!" I chide.

Sage instantly drops her arms to her sides before feigning innocence.

"Get over here," I say, momentarily exasperated.

Sage rolls her eyes in annoyance dropping her facade quickly. "I'm older than you!" She huffs but walks over anyways.

I lead them to the kitchen and make them sit on the counter before forcing them to chug water. I made it into a competition, whoever got sober first was the best at getting sober. They're both extremely competitive so whatever works am I right?

An hour and a half later they were both sobered up and ready to drive home.

We each got into our stolen Lamborghini's and raced off to my apartment. God, I was so ready to finally sleep in my beloved bed.

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