🌶 DaBaby ~ All Yours 🌶

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Baby Pov

I sighed as the director yelled cut and the females got off of me.

"That's a wrap!" He said, smiling hard as fuck.

I walked over to him and the equipment.

"Let me see."

He showed me his favorite clips and what he was planning to edit together and I just sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his smile changing to a frown.

"I told you I don't really want anymore bitches with their asses out in my videos."

"It's for the industry! You're DaBaby! Bitches love you! That's your persona!"

I nodded, getting irritated at him for using this same line again.

"Right." I said, walking away as he patted my shoulder.

"It'll be up tomorrow!" He called out as I hopped into the passenger seat of my car.

"Where to?" My chauffeur asked.

"Home." I said, rubbing my temples.


I opened my door and walked into my huge house.

"Hey, baby." My girlfriend greeted me, walking up to me with a glass of champagne.

"Hi, sexy." I said, wrapping my arms around her.

"You smell good." She said, pulling away from the hug with a questionable smile.

"Yeah?" I said, pulling my shirt to my nose & instantly smelling the strong perfume and body lotion from the females.

"Mhm." She nodded, walking away from me and up the stairs.

Next Morning

I rubbed my eyes after they opened to the sound of music playing downstairs.

I looked to my side and she wasn't there so I got up and just started my routine.


I made my way downstairs and to my surprise, the music playing was mine.

My house was so huge, I couldn't really hear it because of how far the living room is from our bedroom.

I looked at the TV and there the music video was. Bitches twerking on me in nothing but their bathing suits.

And there I was, allowing it as I rapped my song's lyrics into the camera.

I caught a glimpse of her expression, and she didn't seem mad or sad. She just had a smirk as she drank from a water bottle.

"Baby.." I said, making my way over to her.

"Hm?" She said, continuing her focus on the TV.

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