II. First Sight

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"It's when your eyes rested on mine, I knew eyes had their own vocabulary." Monika Chhetri


Chapter II – First Sight

Cece and I then found out that we had the same English class.

English was a breeze. I was worried I would be behind, but they were studying "To Kill a Mockingbird" and I had already read that at my old school. I collected the essay prompt and made a mental note to start it tonight. I didn't have plans.

While I was jotting down ideas for the essay, Cece remarked, "As if you're starting already."

I just smiled. Cece showed me to my Algebra classroom before she darted off to Gym.

I liked math, as well. I was a strange specimen. I listened intently, trying to appear unaware that two girls behind me were speaking about me, or how the boy sitting next to me was trying to subtly look down my t-shirt. I 'accidentally' stabbed him with my pencil and that was that.

Cece found me after Algebra, her face flushed and her hair damp after showering. I was taken aback by how pretty Cece was. Without a speck of makeup, her skin was clear and glowing. She looked bright and healthy. I was only grateful that I had managed to find that old concealer this morning or else people would be saying other things about me.

Cece had changed into a cheer uniform, and I suddenly realised why she was so fit. Her flat and toned stomach was on show in the tight little number and I was a little envious.

"I'm starving!" Cece cried as she bounced over to the lunch line in the cafeteria.

I was, too, admittedly, though once again, all eyes were on me in this cafeteria. All three hundred pairs. Cece hadn't seemed to notice that the room had gone silent.

I felt weird and self-conscious. This was too much attention for just the new girl in school. I dared to look up again, to try and appear as though I had an ounce of confidence, and I immediately found a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

His stare was different. It wasn't one of curiosity or teenage lust like I had been experiencing from boys all day. His stare wasintense. As he looked at me, I felt everyone else in this cafeteria disappear. His eyes captured me and held my focus and I felt seen for the first time today.

He wasn't just seeing me, he was seeing into me. How was this possible? With one look he had made me feel completely transparent. What kind of supernatural bullshit was this?

"Sara?" Cece shook me.

My gaze snapped away from his eyes and went onto Cece. "What?" I gasped.

Cece smiled and furrowed her eyebrows. "I said, do you want pizza or lasagne?"

"Oh, uh, pizza," I said breathlessly. Somehow we had moved up to the front of the line. A kindly looking lunch lady placed a piece of cheese pizza on my plate and placed it my tray. I hurriedly collected some fruit and a water and paid for my meal.

To my surprise, Cece led me directly over to the table where the brown eyed boy was sitting.

Boy really was a poor choice of words. He didn't look like he had been a boy in a long time. He either worked out a lot or was on steroids because I have never seen someone so large in my life. He was sitting down, but with the width of his shoulders, the length of his strong arms, and his legs that I could see underneath the table, I would wager that he was about six and a half feet tall.

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