His Butler, At the Funeral

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You stirred softly in place, a silky texture underneath your body and you skimmed your hand over it, letting out a small sigh in comfort. Suddenly, a wave of pain washed over your body, making you let out a small cry as you writhed around in pain. You scrunched up your eyes and clenched your fist as the pain slowly decreased down to a throb and you waited until it was gone. Slowly you cracked your eyes open, blinking your eyes against the light from the window, which was giving you a massive headache. 'Angelina,' the name flashed through your head, before fading down into your unconscious.

"She's awake." A female voice sounded from beside your bed and you craned your head to the side to see three blurry figures standing at the side of your bed.

You rubbed your eyes, causing your eye sight to focus more and you realized that it was Baldroy, Finny, and Mey-Rin who stood besides you; Mey-Rin being the one who had spoken. You sorely pulled yourself up to a sitting position, letting out a wince at the effort of having to sit up.

You could feel something soft wrapped around your abdomen and you pulled your shirt up to see that it was wrapped with a large bandage. Not only that your cheek and shoulder had also been covered with dressing and those areas were throbbing with an intense pain. You let out a hiss upon touching your abdomen and you jerked your hand away from the area.

You turned to look at the trio to see tears in the eyes of both Finny and Mey-Rin, while Baldroy looked down at you with a serious expression. Your hands kneaded the sheets that you were laying in as you avoided the eyes of everyone, knowing that you had alarmed them with your appearance.

"Good to see that your doing alright little lady. We had to dress you in those bandages when you got here," Baldroy said as his worried eyes glanced over your figure. "You were in such a bad shape when Sebastian and the young lord brought you in, we didn't know if you were going to make it."

He knelt over and carefully examined your figure, checking to make sure that you were doing okay. "How are you feeling?" He asked you as he ruffled your hair.

You tucked one of your strands behind your ear, letting out a wince at that movement, before answering him. "Pretty sore actually. It hurts to move," you told him. "But i'm alright."

Mey-Rin let out a sigh of relief, both her hands brought up underneath her chin as she gave you a anxious expression, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm so glad that your alright (Y/N), yes I am." She leaned over and gave you a hug, making you wince in pain due to how sore your body was. Seeing you do so, Mey-Rin quickly released you and jumped backward, giving you a distressed look. "I'm so sorry (Y/N), i just.." she trialed off, her eyes down cast to the ground as she shuffled her feet.

Baldroy placed his hand onto her shoulder as he gave her a small squeeze. "You weren't meaning any harm," he told her, but she still looked dejected at what she had done. "I'm going to go change the water and get some more medicine," she said as she picked up the bowl filled with water and a washcloth and she left the room with it.

Baldroy let out a sigh as his gaze traveled after Mey-Rin and he turned to give you an apologetic look. "I'm going to talk to her. I'm just glad that your okay," he said as he got up and followed after where Mey-Rin had left from. A soft murmur sounded at your side, making you look down at Finny who had been quiet for the entire occasion. His body trembled from where he leaned over onto the bed.

You leaned over him, giving him a troubled expression as you reached out and touched his cheek. "Finny are you okay," you whispered to him, causing him to stop shaking.

"Am I okay, what about you (Y/N)," Finny said as he raised his head up, tears streaming down his face as his fists clenched down onto the sheets of the bed. "Do you know how worried I was? When Sebastian brought you in and seeing the state that you were in," he choked on his words before continuing on. "I thought that you had died."

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