Chapter 7

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Eric's Point Of View

Raven hadn't come back after the fight. No one could find her. My mind was racing and I couldn't sleep. So, I just laid in bed. Then, I saw Four get up. "He and Raven are very close, maybe he knows where she is," I thought to myself. I waited a few minutes, and then followed him. I kept my distance, and followed him until I realized where he was heading. The bottom of the Chasm.

I took a peak and saw her. I held my breath. Every time I see her, feels like the first. My mind went back to the Choosing Ceremony. I was so lost, and I felt alone. Then, I saw her. Most guys see her beauty, but I saw more. I see her as whole. The broken parts, and the parts searching for the rest of her. I see the pain in her eyes. I see the hope in her heart. I see her. All of her. Every time all i want to do is make her pain go away. I want to hold her and make her feel like we were the most important people and the rest of the world didn't matter. But I know I can't.

I hid and couldn't hear much. After a while, Four left. I went closer. I wanted to catch a glimpse of her. I couldn't resist. I never could. Not with her. I caught a glimpse, and saw it again. The pain. I couldn't resist. Everything in me was screaming, "make her pain stop. Make it better." I couldn't. She heard me.

"How long have you been there?" She asked me.

"I just came. How are you?" She looked away. Everything in me started screaming again, "make her pain stop. Make it better." I couldn't resist. I walked up to her. She stood up. I hugged her. I held her. She relaxed and started sobbing into my shirt. I held her tighter. Longer. Eventually she stopped crying. Then she pulled away. "You always seem to know what to do," she said smiling.

Then something in me whispered. "What makes you think you deserve her? What makes you think you're good enough for her? What makes you think you can make her happy? You can't. You don't. She deserves better than you. You are a pitiful, disgusting horrible guy. She deserves better. You can never get her. You can't. What makes you think you can? She deserves better."

The whisper was right. She deserves better.

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