💐Marraige proposal💐.

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Hayat’s house:

Imran was sitting outside in the garden on a sunny morning and was reading his newspaper.
"Nazma!Where is my breakfast?" shouted Imran.

No response.


Nazma came outside hurriedly and stood beside Imran's wheelchair.

"Imran!" cried Nazma in a tensed voice.

"Nazma, where were you? I am hungry. Where is....." Imran suddenly stopped his rant when he looked at Nazma's tensed face.

"Nazma!what happened? Why are you so tensed?" asked Imran in his soft voice
"Come, sit here beside me".

"Imran, before a few minutes ago Hayat got a call from an unknown number on her mobile phone. She was bathing so I picked up the call and it was Sammer's voice".

"He didn't know that I had picked up the call. He thought it was Hayat and she is upset with him. So she is not speaking to him".

" What did he say?" asked Imran in his angry voice with his jaw clenched.

"He said that he is coming to Lucknow from Canada next month to ask for her forgiveness," replied Nazma in a tensed voice. She was literally shivering with anxiety and her heart was beating fast.

Imran offered her a glass of water.

" Nazma don't worry our daughter has now become very strong and independent. I will ask her not to meet him at any coast and if they will come face to face then she will face him with full confidence "said Imran while consoling her.

"But Imran, I have heard he got  divorced last month and I am sure if he had tried to contact Hayat then he will again approach her in order to get her back in his life"

"I won't let that happen Nazma. We will find a way out of this. Our Allah will help us" said Imran while looking at the sky as if sending a silent message to his God.

"We have to find a way out soon. Right now I have already deleted his number from Hayat's contacts list. She won't be able to know about this call".This time I won't let him destroy my daughter's life" pledged Nazma with full determination.

Suddenly Imran's mobile phone rang out loud making Nazma and Imran come out of their respective thoughts.

"Who is it ?" asked Nazma.
"Usman's Abba Jaan. Don't know why is he calling" said Imran and picked up his call.

"Aslam Alaikum chacha Jaan "

"Walekum Salam son. How are you?" asked Abba Jaan.

"I am a fine Chacha. What about you?"

" I am super fit and fine" replied Abba Jaan with full enthusiasm. Imran smiled after listening to his comment "I would be more fit and fine. If you will give me what I am going to ask from you" commented Abba Jaan.

"What can I give you chacha Jaan? Just tell me about your desire and that desire will be fulfilled soon. That's your son's promise" replied Imran with a warm smile.

"Actually, that thing which I am going to ask from you is the most precious thing of yours" commented Abba Jaan.

Imran got confused and looked at Nazma. Both shared a confused look.

"Imran I want your daughter for my Usman. Will you marry your daughter to my Usman?" asked Abba Jaan nervously.

Shock was an understatement after looking at Imran's expression. He never thought that he will ask her Hayat's hand for marriage. He was not finding words to speak.

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