Chapter 16 | Speechless

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Iman's POV

"Has Zane ever seen your hair?" Sheikha asked, helping me pack some of my clothes. 

"Well, no. He hasn't." I responded.

"Wow. My friends start to take their hijabs off the moment they're engaged and call each other fiance. You must want to make him wait." She folded my pants.

I chuckled, "No, I just, I don't know. He's always seen me with one and I feel like it'd be awkward if he saw me in just my hair. And the only time I don't really have this on is in my house and Zane barely has time to go there."

It was our last day here at Dubai and I can't say I was happy about the way things turned out during our trip but I got to find out more about Zane than he was ever able to tell me in ten minutes.

"So, what is the last thing that you two are going to be doing before you leave back to France?" Sheikha asked. 

"I don't know, I think Zane said we were going to go to the Zoo." I scrunched my eyebrows after listening to myself finish that sentence. I really felt like a five year old saying that for some reason.

"Do you love animals?"

"I do, I love them so much." I squealed.

"Have you ever owned any?" She asked

"No. It's because if I owned one, I'd be too busy to look after it. I barely get to spend time with my mother." I sighed, "But, all is good. I can't even take care of myself yet so I wouldn't want to put a pet in danger being under my roof."

Sheikha chuckled as I got up to help her zip the suitcase. We were all done and everything I needed was packed up. 

"Thank you so much. Without you, I probably wouldn't have finished today." I smiled

"Don't sweat it. It's the least I could do. OH, I heard what Mariam did at the formal!" She gasped, "That was really unnecessary. You'd think she would stop with all her lies and even discontinue her feelings after finding out the man is marrying someone else but no, she had to go and cause trouble."

"It's fine. It's all in the past so I'm not worried anymore. I just, in the moment, it all sounded so real." I responded.

"Keep that kind of mindset habibti. Don't let the past haunt you."

I chuckled and we were both interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

Expecting it to be Zane, I stood up to walk over to him but to my demise, it was Hamdan.

"Brother?" Sheikha scrunched her eyebrows.

"Sheikha, can I have a word with her." He asked

It took Sheikha a couple seconds as she tried to think of all the possible reasons he would want to speak to me in private about and I did the same. But I guessed nothing came across her mind, just as nothing came to my own, so she just nodded, slowly getting up and leaving the room.

"You can keep the door open Sheikha." I told her.

She did just that and that's when I turned back to face Hamdan. 

"What do you want? If Zane sees you here, he's not gonna be happy."

"I was curious. Do you really not have any other intentions of getting revenge, especially knowing that the person you almost married was me?" He lifted an eyebrow and made himself comfortable in the chair across from the dresser.

"No, I don't. Is that why you came here?" I growled.

"Of course not. But I wanted to remind you that Zane did just the same to you."

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