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Above is the trailer for Signs Of A Soulmate!

Please like and comment on the YouTube video! Leave your wattpad @ , let me know your thoughts about the trailer, and I'll pick my favorite comment and give you a shoutout next update! 

LINK TO YOUTUBE VIDDO : https://youtu.be/59l3kSJ2yFU

The collab was done with @ sislovesbts on Twitter! Please check her out!

I'll be updating the new book cover in a few days ! Don't forget to vote!

Enjoy my lovelys


《unknown POV》

She shook off the bad vibe that traveled down her spine as she walked down the dark road. She held her bag tightly to her side, head down, not making eye contact with anyone.

This part of Gwangju was dangerous, even people not from the area knew that.

She heard a clink followed by a sickly laugh and fastened her pace, nerves racking her body viciously at the thought of the danger she knowingly put herself in by being here.

She glanced up to the sign that read 4th street, and shuffled to the side of the nearest building, a small convenient store that most likely was robbed on the regular.

She looked at her phone, her eyes glancing up to skim the area for the directions she was given in the text.

'Take the first alley to your left right after 4th street. Don't be late'

She found the alley, across the street, where a group of young men were gathered. She took an intake of air, but none the less slipped her phone into her bag, clutched her bag to her chest, and then crossed the street.

She knew they were looking, she could feel their dirty eyes skimming her.

'Hey princess, you from out of town?' Someone shouted.

She didn't even turn back to look as she hurried to the alley.

'Wouldn't go down that one if I were you, you might not come back'

The words sent chills down her spine, but she only straightened and walked down the darkened alley.

The men on the sidewalk watched in horror as the girl disappeared. One wanted to go after her, but his friends hand stopped him.

'She's either one of them, or going for something. Either way, it's not any good business to get involved with..'


She was slightly panicking, the dark and foggy scenery basically shouted 'this is how you're going to die'

Her eyes searched for door 303 and as she stopped infront of it, she felt a bad feeling take over her, the tips of fingers tingling and hands shaking as she reached to knock on the door exactly four times.


Her toes curled anxiously


A gulp was followed after the knock echoed through the alley


She bit her lip harshly, and extent to where she almost drew blood.

Signs Of A Soulmate • K.T.Where stories live. Discover now