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It was a sunny Saturday morning, and Peter had woken up to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. He groaned and stretched his arms, still a bit sore from last night's patrol. He smiled as he looked around and found that he wasn't in his own room, but his room in the tower. Mr. Stark had invited him to stay over to work on their project this weekend, and he was eager to spend the day in the lab with the man.

He tossed off his Avengers comforter and flipped out of bed, filled with energy. He quickly made his way to the kitchen, to find Mr. Stark at the stove. Now that he thought of it, it smelled more like bacon burning than cooking. He groaned and turned, hoping to sneak back to his room unnoticed and pretend to still be asleep.

Naturally, as soon as Peter turned to leave, Mr. Stark turned and spotted him mid sneak.

"Morning Pete! Want a burn- extra crispy pancake?"

Peter turned slowly, a fake half-smile on his face.

"Heyy, Mr. Stark. Actually, I'm not hungry! Thanks though!" He squeaked, making a break for it. As he was leaving though, he collided with his favorite red-headed billionaire's CEO and girlfriend.

"Oh, Pep! Good morning!" Tony called as Peter groaned and began to apologize profusely.

"It's alright, Peter. Hey, hey, it's alright." She pats his shoulder in an attempt to stop his apologetic rambling and looks up at Tony, only to find him at the stove.

"Uh, actually I was just leaving! Business things and such! By Tony! By Peter!" She quickly hugged the two and grabbed her keys from the table, practically running out the door before the two could get a word in. Tony, confused, only shrugged and handed Peter a plate stacked with what looked like two burnt pancakes, some blackened eggs, and two rocks- wait- no, it was toast. Peter gave a nervous smile and sat down across from Mr. Stark, waiting for the beaming man to take a bite of his own food.

As Tony skewered a chared pancake and tried to take a bite, he nearly gagged. He immediately dropped the fork and spat into the nearby trashcan.

"Uh, looks like the stove is broken," Tony remarked.

"But I just saw Happy use it last ni-" He was cut off by a smiling Tony, still looking him dead in the eye, dumping his whole plate in the trash.

"Yep, broken. Exactly what I said."

Peter laughed and dumped his own plate in the trash. They resolved to eat some leftover pizza before heading into Tony's lab. They had been working on a strength enhancing hormone that could be given to soldiers in the military, and they were very near completion. It had been a pretty tough experiment, mainly because Steve and the Hulk did not like having hairs plucked out (especially not Hulk), but they were only a few tests away from completion, and now they were just having fun. The human tests had been successful, and Peter was just a bit curious as to what would happen if he and Mr. Stark tried it.

They entered the lab and Mr. Stark withdrew two vials of the blue liquid, handing one to Peter.

"Cheers!" Peter said, clinking his glass against Mr. Starks. They both laughed and tilted back their glasses. Immediately, Peter felt stronger and he could see that Tony did as well. He didn't really feel the need to smash things to test that theory, he could already do that with his enhanced strength and didn't really want to collapse a building, but the feeling was exhilarating.

"Woah, Pete. This is great! It worked! Well, I mean, of course it did. You have me." He joked and clapped a hand on Peter's shoulder with a smile. Well, he would have if Peter had a shoulder to put a hand on. When he placed his hand where he expected a bone, he found that Peter's shoulder felt as though it was made of metal.

"What the he-" His scream was cut off by Peter's own, as he touched his own skin.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark, what is going on?!" The longer they stood there, the weirder things got. Everything started to flash different colors, and it looked as if he were looking at a heat signature reading, but in real time and he couldn't turn it off. Then, his eyes flashed back to normal and he felt himself relax a bit.

Then, it got worse. He could taste his socks. He spat on the floor, but it didn't help. This was met with a weird look from Mr. Stark as Peter continued to spray saliva, now into the sink. After a moment, the metal of the sink began to melt and fizzle, as if it had been doused in lava. At this, Tony could only stare, now carrying Peter to the medbay with his newfound strength.

Peter layed down on the bed, immediately yanking his socks off. He hadn't said a word, but the confused and scared look in his eyes made Tony worried as well.

"Mr. Stark, are you sure you gave me the right mixture?! I can see heat, I can taste my socks, and I spit poison!" Peter sat back against the bed, trying to keep from overloading his senses as Doctor Banner rushed into the room, his hair a disheveled mess.

"Tony, I swear I am going to have Hulk kill you if you wake me up again-" He shut his mouth when he saw Peter laying on the bed, his eyes pressed closed and Tony standing weirdly protectively over him.

"The kid drank the strength hormone and now he can taste feet."

"Huh, that is not the weirdest thing you've had me look at someone for. And I'm not even a medical doctor..." Bruce rolled his eyes as he began to check the kid. When he tried to draw blood, he was met with a lot of resistance from Peter both physically and verbally. He had managed to press the needle through the tough exterior of his skin, but now Peter was almost screaming in pain, as if someone had snapped his arm off.

Banner finally managed to get a bit of blood, once Tony had begrudgingly agreed to let Peter squeeze his hand, though he hadn't seemed too resistant. He gasped as soon as he drew the blood though, finding that it was not a natural red, but instead a deep blue. Immediately, he rushed to a nearby microscope and exhaled in relief as a small smile crept onto his face.

"Tony, it's exactly what I thought. He's a spider."

"I know that, now what's wrong with him?"

Banner laughed, motioning for Tony to look into the microscope.

"Whatever you gave him is making him genetically more of a spider. Spiders can taste with their legs, they have blue blood, an exoskeleton, and some can even see UV waves. For a genius you don't know much about your kid's genetic other half."

Tony narrowed his eyes and practically tossed him out of the room.

"He's not my kid! And so what if I don't know anything about spiders!" He was about to close the door when he felt the urge to ask one more question. "Will he be alright?"

Banner smiled and cocked an eyebrow. "Not your kid, huh? But yeah, his DNA is already reverting. It looks like it should clear up in about an hour. And Tony?"


"Does Pepper know you have a son?"

With a laugh, Bruce fled from the medical wing, leaving a steaming Tony behind. He rolled his eyes and shut the door, sitting next to Peter as the kid tried to take a nap. He may not know much about spiders, but he only needed to know about one. His favorite one.

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